NPC/boss fight doesn't seem to work?

So I have this game where I’m using the boss battle that was seen in egg hunt 2013.
Everything seems to be working fine, except for the boss itself. If you remember in the boss fight, the boss was supposed to fly to specific parts & drop bombs on the ground & then spawn an egg in front of him when he dies. But for some reason, the boss doesn’t seem to fly, instead, it just moves super slowly on the ground. How do I fix this issue?

This is what it looks like when I test it: (it just keeps moving slowly to below the parts it’s supposed to fly to)
robloxapp-20230625-1407292.wmv (7.7 MB)

This is what the boss fight should normally look like, from egg hunt 2013:

This is the game file I recorded in, so it’d be easier to see the scripts instead of writing them all here:
boss fight.rbxl (101.3 KB)

Note: I used the same scripts from the egg hunt 2013 rewritten game, link is here incase it helps:

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  1. Locate the boss’s movement script.
  2. Check for flying-related code.
  3. Ensure flying behavior is triggered correctly.
  4. Verify synchronization with game physics.
  5. Use appropriate forces or velocity adjustments for flying movement.

I tried that but I am not sure where the issue is or what to do to fix it, I have played a lot with the scripts & came up with nothing to fix the issue.

Haven’t been able to figure it out still…