NPC_Quest System Question

Hello! I am creating a quest system for my project… and i’ve run into a small roadblock… nothing super big or system breaking… its more a paramater that could fail. So… in the npc’s dialogue that is only active for a quest, and this is the end of the quest… when you reach a certain dialogue point it detects in the place where i store the dialogue if it should complete the quest… which it then sends to a module with this code:

function Quest_Controller:Complete_Quest(Quest)
print("JUST Gompleted a QUEST", Quest, Quests[Quest]["Quest_Description"])
local Player_NPC_Info = player:WaitForChild("Player_NPC_Info")
local Player_Quest_Data = player:WaitForChild("Player_Quest_Data")

if Quests[Quest]["Quest_Type"] == "Find_NPC" then
	local CompletedParamaters = {}
	local Completed
	for i,v in pairs(Quests[Quest]["Quest_Objective"]) do
		for t,w in pairs(Player_NPC_Info:GetChildren()) do
			if w.Name == v then
				if w:FindFirstChild("Status") == "Inactive" and Player_Quest_Data:FindFirstChild(Quest):FindFirstChild("Active") == true then
					Completed = true
					Completed = false
	if Completed then
		print("Running Completed Quest Thing")
		Quest_Data_Service.Completed_Quest_Event:Fire(Quest, true)


Essentially what my problem is… sometimes… in this case for this paramatered type of quest which is “Find_NPC”, meaning… you are sent to an npc and must talk to them, and if that is the case it runs this. This may also include talking to several NPC’s. And if so, then the paramater i have for completed, which i want to be active only if ALL of the npc’s required have been spoken too, will activate. But the way i have it now, it will not guarantee that the completed value will be correct at all times.

You see… the function will run every time one of the classified objective npc’s is spoken too in their dialogue. Imediately after these NPC’s are spoken to and the dialogue completes it sets them to “Inactive” which is what i’m searching for in the function. If all of the NPC’s are set to Inactive, then the Completed value will become true… and the following if statement can be fullfilled.

My question is… what should i do to check if ALL the NPC’s are set to “Inactive”? And if they are ALL Active, then it will activate the Completed Value.


So what you want is some code that checks if all the NPCs are active, then will set ‘completed’ to true?

If so, you could try something like this:

local Completed = true
for <all NPCs> do
   if NPC is inactive then
      Completed = false

if Completed then
   print("quest completed")
   print("quest not completed")

Basically by setting the ‘completed’ variable to true by default, you can loop through all the NPCs and if even one is inactive, you know that the quest is not completed.
Hope this somewhat helped, let me know.