NPC's. Client V Server, whats better?

Im getting to that point where I need to start developing AI for my game and was wondering what is better to handle the NPC’s on.

I have heard some people handle zombies partly on the client via movement and the server just sends a UUID to the client with needed info for the update of x zombie but not too sure how that would be with performance.

I will already handle animations and things like that on the client.


I make AI on the client side, it is just as easy if you know what you’re doing!
You can’t directly put the script inside of whichever rig though, but it gets rid of delay
But if it’s a multiplayer AI then I recommend the server side, the client sided things they are doing can be replaced with BasePart:SetNetworkOwnershipAuto().

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Got you. I haven’t really bothered to learn about Network Ownerships so It seems its time. Do you know any decent tutorials for network ownerships that helped you?

I don’t really have any, I just learnt from free models when I started but GnomeCode helped me with that in I think his Roblox Studio Piggy tutorials. It is really easy to use though, all you do is put something like this:

while wait(number) do

(my tab key doesn’t work for some reason lol)
Hope that helps :grin:

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