Couldn’t find it so I just rewrote all the NPC scripts, but it has a different mechanic.
So I’m working on a game for fun, and I scripted a certain part of the script which is supposed to send cusomers(NPCs) into a lines where they get served coffee, but with the script that has the NPC at the front of the line pay, leave, and move all the NPCs a spot forward in line it randomly has the NPC turn invisible for like a few seconds then walk off towards the exit of the shop.
local Line = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name
local Human = child:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
script.Parent:FindFirstChild("LoadingBar"):TweenSize(UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0), "Out", "Linear", 3)
script.Parent:FindFirstChild("LoadingBar"):TweenSize(UDim2.new(0, 0,1, 0), "Out", "Quart", 1)
child.Parent = workspace
for i,v in pairs(workspace:FindFirstChild("Lines"):FindFirstChild(Line):GetChildren()) do
if v.Parent:FindFirstChild("P".. i):FindFirstChild("NPC") and v.Parent:FindFirstChild("P".. i):FindFirstChild("NPC"):FindFirstChild("OnTheMove").Value == false and v.Parent:FindFirstChild("P".. i).Name ~= "P1" and v.Parent:FindFirstChild("P".. i).Name ~= "P12" then
v.Parent:FindFirstChild("P".. i):FindFirstChild("NPC"):FindFirstChild("CurrentPos").Value = v.Parent:FindFirstChild("P".. i):FindFirstChild("NPC"):FindFirstChild("CurrentPos").Value + 1
v.Parent:FindFirstChild("P".. i):FindFirstChild("NPC"):FindFirstChild("Humanoid"):MoveTo(v.Parent:FindFirstChild("P".. v.Parent:FindFirstChild("P".. i):FindFirstChild("NPC"):FindFirstChild("CurrentPos").Value).Position)
v.Parent:FindFirstChild("P".. i):FindFirstChild("NPC"):FindFirstChild("Humanoid").MoveToFinished:Wait()
My PC is trash and this isn’t really something you can take pictures of so you can join the game to see the glitch in action.