Hello! I’m trying to implement a ViewPort on my game’s dialogue GUI to display the NPC’s face while you talk to them, however while being displayed, the NPC’s hair and face colors dont display properly, usually being melded in a different skin color
I’ve implemented a WorldModel to try and fix the issue, but it didnt seem to change anything related to that.
Below is the code snippet related to the ViewPort itself
local gui = player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("DialogueGUI")
local npc = script.Parent.Parent
local viewport = gui.Frame:WaitForChild("Viewport")
local worldmodel = Instance.new("WorldModel")
local newCamera = Instance.new("Camera")
viewport.CurrentCamera = newCamera
local clonedChar
if clonedChar then clonedChar:Destroy() end
clonedChar = npc:Clone()
clonedChar.Parent = worldmodel
newCamera.Parent = viewport
worldmodel.Parent = viewport
local head = clonedChar:WaitForChild("Head")
newCamera.CFrame = CFrame.new(head.Position + (head.CFrame.LookVector*2) , head.Position)