NPCs Stealing Accessories Off Of The Players

Hi, I’m using a hat accessory in the game but when NPC comes near the player sometimes its parent changes to the NPC. I have no idea why this is happening

Explanation Video

Halo Object

NPC Object

Is this a some kind of a bug?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

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Remove TouchInterest from the Epic Halo and see if that works.

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No, It’s Still Happening, still changes the parent

Does it actually take the Accessory object?

yes, changes the whole thing’s parent

It could be something with the NPCs but I don’t know what it would be. does this happen to players?

No players cant steal, weird thing is once its passed to the npc, players cant get it back from the npc either. I will try to change the npc

If you find a solution please tell me as I’m curious what could be causing this. Maybe it’s a bug?

This Is weird because I’ve given npcs some hats before I press play. They can no longer steal from players. might be a bug