Nuclear Blast Testing Facility | Update Log

Nuclear Blast Testing Facility (NBTF)

Game Link
Official Game Group

Update Log

Some build updates have not been logged due to lack of detail, update log may be updated in future to reflect historic changes

Publish 300: Team promotion rank additions, military police team

Publish 303

  • Bugs fixed
    • Where players could equip the weapons of the wrong team via the Team Locker
    • Where some guns did not reload with the same magazine size as they spawned with
    • Where Military police couldn’t toggle pylons or elevator to bunker

Publish 302

  • Added 10X, 20X, and 40X EXP boosters
  • Fixed bug where intro screen causes player to lock onto a random character in-game
  • Buffed guns
    • SRS
      • Increased fire rate
    • UTS-15
      • Decreased fire cooldown to 0.5
      • Increased damage to 9
      • Increased ammo to 8
    • Aug A3
      • Increased damage to 18
      • Increased fire cooldown to 0.18
      • Increased ammo to 25
    • M27
      • Decreased fire cooldown to 0.14
      • Increased damage to 18
      • Increased ammo to 40

Publish 301

  • Fixed bug where players choosing Military Police for the first time would receive a random morph
  • Fixed bug where players couldn’t get council executive guns in armory

Publish 300

  • New loading and intro menu screen
  • Added 5 new ranks to each team with new morphs
  • Added EXP boosters
  • Fixed bug where first person mode allowed you to shoot through walls
  • Revamped military barracks
    • Added military police office
    • Added military police sedan vehicle spawner
    • Added locker area and changed position of washrooms
  • Added lockers
    • You can now change your weapon loadout at lockers close to respective team spawns
    • Currently only combative teams have unlocks (non-combative tools coming later)
  • Volunteers can no longer modify core coolant pumps
  • You can now drive in a circle around the blast zone area

Publish 295: Weapon system additions, QOL, (TBR)

Build 295

  • Changes to weapon system
    • Mobile reload button has been added!
    • You can now toggle between third and first person
      • Keyboard: Press Y to toggle
      • Mobile: Press the Camera Icon to toggle
    • Bug fixed where player leans back after unequipping weapon
  • Jump cooldown added of 0.7 seconds
  • Keycard and automatic doors no longer clip out of adjacent walls
  • Volunteers can no longer interact with the Energy Core controls

Publish 287-290: Feature addition, item gifting (December 15, 2023)

Build 293

  • Introduced item gifting!
    • You are now able to send ‘gift items’
      • At this time, only team unlock items are able to be purchased to send to other players.
  • Brought back safe-zones for all team spawns
  • Improved anti-spawn camping turret in front of the rebel base
  • Cars now turn off their sirens when exiting them

Publish 287-290: Holiday Update, QOL (December 15, 2023)

Build 291

  • Fixed some holes in the map that players could fall through
  • Fixed bug where facility control tablet log incorrectly shows seconds passed
  • Fixed bug that allowed players to change team while respawning, giving them the wrong outfit
  • Fixed bug where facility defense turrets are unable to detect rebel players
  • Sparks now show on vehicle door panels that have been ‘Hacked’

Build 290

  • Added Facility Control Tablet Tool
    • Given to all Facility Director teams

Build 287

  • Updated Menu Guis (Team change gui and gameshop)
  • Map was updated to reflect winter season (Holiday update!)
  • Introduced ‘Unlock All Gamepass’
    • Allows for usage of all gamepass teams in-game
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed problems with unlock all gamepass not working
  • Model Fixes
    • Fixed Council Executive Tactical SUV having driver seat backwards
  • Added server shutdown notice gui

Publish 280-284: Quality Of Life (November 2, 2023)

Publish 284

  • Vehicles emergency lights now turn off when you exit the vehicle
  • Gates will now stop closing doors when there is an obstruction in the doorway
  • Screen will now flash a red vignette when you are taking damage
  • ‘Regulars’ area is now protected via laser gate

Publish 280

  • Vehicle spawner changes
    • Players are no longer sent through the floor when a vehicle spawns
    • Vehicles cannot be spawned when a player is on the spawn zone
  • Vehicle changes
    • New hitboxes for each vehicle
    • Vehicles now emit ‘crash’ particles when vehicle is suddenly stopped at a high speed
  • GUI changes
    • Players are now notified when they kill or are killed by a player
  • Regular only area
    • ‘Mod lounge’ area now has a ground entrance and area accessible by players ranked Regular or higher in the NBTF Roblox Group
  • Disabled friendly fire
  • Disabled fall damage
  • Removed baseball bat third hit combo to prevent players from glitching going through doors
  • Changed lighting to ShadowMap to improve quality
    • Changed lights around map to limit brightness from 1-5
  • Added Topbar buttons
    • Settings has now been moved to the topbar
    • Now shows build number at top
  • Disabled nuke effect and radiation effect due to bugs. Feature will return later.
  • Changed Lighting.Technology to ShadowMap

Publish 270-274: Rebel Hill (July 14, 2023)

Publish 271-274

  • Changed rebel base garage door to be zone based (will not close if there is someone there)
  • Rebel base tunnel is now slightly wider
  • Added alternative tunnel exit to rebel base
  • Added turrets in rebel base that can be activated to fire at facility members
  • Added rebel base wide safe-zone to stop spawnkilling inside the base
  • All vehicles now despawn after 7 minutes of inactivity

Publish 270

  • Rebel base fully recreated
  • Canyon valley hills added in the background
  • Team change glitch fixed
  • Vanilla modern (non-legacy) chat has replaced existing chat system
    • Chat bubbles have been removed
  • Team change cooldown has been added

Publish 248-270: Core Update (May 5, 2023)

Publish 266

  • Core safety override can now only be accessed with a Terminal Access Key
  • Introduced friendly fire mechanic
    • Player will now receive a warning when a friendly is shot
    • Reverse friendly fire will activate for shooting friendlies 3 times in a row

Publish 254-262

  • Enabled default strafing animations
  • Disabled run animation
  • Fixed bugs:
    • Bug that caused players to respawn twice and receive double the items
    • Bug that prevented players from spawning properly
    • Bug that caused players to infinitely loop spawning

Publish 251-253

  • Fixed bugs:
    • Bug that caused hazmat clean up notification to stay forever
    • Bug that caused the core explosion breaking due to a player leaving right before the explosion
    • Bug that caused the code terminals to not release codes
    • Bug that caused the code entry panel to not accept codes
    • Bug that caused the core explosion to not remove the energy core generation center buildings

Publish 249-51

  • Fixed severe bugs relating to server performance during the end of the Core Overload event

Publish 248

  • Core now can explode during the Core Overload event
  • New entity: Code Terminals
    • Can be found throughout the map
    • Collect codes to disable of the Core Safety Protocol (must be done to cause the explosion overload event)
  • Released Core Update

More details soon…

Publish 244-247: Core Area Improvements (March 18, 2023)

Publish 247

  • Added Dagger to Spy team
  • Removed USP from Delivery Driver team
  • Disabled V-Pose emote to prevent bypassing of doors in-game

Publish 244-246

  • Added new screens/huds to Core Control Panel
  • Changed reception counter structure at Core Engineer spawn
  • Disabled

Publish 240: Lockdown Patch (March 18, 2023)

Publish 242

  • Added balancing features to Lockdown Mode
    • Lockdown automatically ends after 6 minutes
    • Lockdown now has cooldown of 12 minutes
  • Intelligence Agents can now disguise into Raider again
  • Spies no longer have Dagger due to balancing concerns

Publish 241

  • Fixed bug that made raiders invincible

Publish 240

  • Core can now be shutdown when:
    • Temperature is at 0
    • All lasers and coolers are off
  • Cooling Pumps
    • 10 seconds to toggle on/off
    • There must be one cooling pump for each cooler enabled
    • If a cooling pump is turned off, a cooler will be turned off in conjunction


  • Melee Weapons
    • All combative teams have melee weapons
      • Can press Q to parry on PC
      • Can press parry button to parry on mobile
  • Lockdown Mode
    • Activating Level 4 Lockdown now causes metal walls to pop up in front of the facility walls
    • Upgrades level 3 doors to level 4 at the entrance
  • Better Vehicle Collisions
    • Vehicles have a harder time phasing through each other
  • Improved Anti-Rebel Turrets
    • No longer shoots through walls
  • Safe Zones
    • Areas that you cannot receive bullet or melee damage in
    • Current areas: Facility Executive Offices, Logistics Checkpoint Spawn, Rocket Scientist Spawn
  • New Datacenter ‘hacking’ system
    • There is now a minigame to beat in order to hack the data center


  • Improved Logistics Checkpoint
    • Incentivizes better military security via rooftop access
    • Has anti rebel turret

Other Small Changes

  • Data Center now voice announces when it is hacked (compromised) or restored

Bug Fixes

  • Bug was fixed where being on the Hitman team did not change the look of the ‘team join’ announcement and when using the announcement system.
  • Bug was fixed where Raid Leader was unable to use the Rebel Spectate System

Publish 236-40: Rebel Executive Patch (December 23, 2022)
  • New rebel experimental weapons chamber, added 5 new weapons for rebel executive access (Overseer & Warlord)
    • Macdonald: Plasma energy based mac-10 smg
    • Phantom: Plasma energy based crossbow
    • Warkeeper: Plasma energy based shotgun
    • Rorschach: Railgun rifle
    • Spartan: Railgun cannon
  • Added ‘Rebel Drone System’, allows Overseer, Warlord, and Raid Leader teams to spectate all players on rebel teams and see their health on the map.
  • Added Energy PLMG: Energy pulse based light machine gun
  • VSS Vintorez now has 5 ammo and fires 10% faster

Publish 234-37: Radios, Handcuffs, Quality of Life (January 25, 2023)

New Features

  • Added radio GUI for each team. Each team is their own related communications channel and can only communicate within that channel. Example: Security teams can only use the radio with other security teams (Interior Security, Exterior Guard, and Security Supervisor)
  • Added handcuffs for certain teams. Handcuffs are prompt based and must be accepted by the detainee. (Currently enabled for Security Supervisor, Special Task Force, and Raid Leader)

Small Changes

  • Milkshake machine was added to the cafeteria
  • Added an aura to the core plasma ball when it is heated

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed being able to open the exterior security checkpoint exit side door just by walking into it
  • Core particle emitters were aligned properly
  • Medic ambulance no longer has invisible seats that cause bugs on respawn
  • Nuke that changes your texture no longer stays when you respawn
  • Fixed security camera list from not having
  • Fixed multiple guns not having the same default ammo as their maximum magazine on spawn
  • Fixed announcement system breaking when player leaves after sending out an announcement
  • Fixed some unanchored parts of the map (cafeteria, military office)
  • Removed some invisible parts in military office
  • Fixed facility/rebel turrets not shooting at player on Protection service, Factory Personnel, and Hitman teams
  • Fixed bug where dying as a warlord at rank 4 and 5 causes their head to still be ragdolled after respawning
  • Fixed bug where dying with the Lupara causes persistent ragdoll after respawning
  • Fixed bug where you are unable to use the same disguise that you died as after respawning with Intelligence Agent or Spy
  • Fixed bug where there was no cooldown on alert system
  • Fixed bug where your team promotion rank was not maintained after toggling off the Disguise tool

Publish 228-233: Holiday Patch (December 23, 2022)

228: Published @ December 23, 2022, 5:12 AM EST

  • Updated Announcement system GUI to be more fluid
  • Added candy cane bats to all roles
  • Added Christmas tree to middle of map and on top of external security building
  • Added winter theme (snow on ground, snowflakes)
  • Added toggleable Christmas music

Publish 226-27: Area Revamp Update (November 17, 2022)

227: Published @ November 18, 2022, 3:12 PM EST

  • Fixed bug where exit does not work
  • Fixed bug where mechanical stairs flies sideways
  • Added some additional doors to some areas
  • Added more security cameras to Hospital and new Bunker Area

226: Published @ November 17, 2022, 3:17 PM EST

  • Underground bunker has been changed
    • 3 new entrances to the underground
  • Added mechanical security pylons to facility entrance

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Rank 5 Civillian Role
  • Fixed Rank 3 Factory Personnel Role
  • Fixed bug where you can run on the spot in cars
  • Fixed bug where mechanical staircase goes abnormally high
  • Fixed some keycard doors where simply running into them opens them

Publish 222-23: Feature Update "Promotions" (July 27, 2022)

223: Published @ Oct 7, 2022, 11:38 PM EST

Bug Fix:

  • Fixed bug where hitman morph breaks due to rank/morph name mismatch at Rank 2 and above

222: Published @ Sept 30, 2022, 12:00 AM EST


  • Unlockable morphs: 5 morphs available to unlock for each team

Quality of Life

  • Revamped datastore system to account for data loss, backups are now saved every week

Publish 204-220: Quality Of Life (August 7, 2022)

220: Published @ August 19, 2022, 12:04 AM EST

  • Bug fixed where other players’ heads were not moving
  • Vehicle Billboard Gui was updated to be cleaner
  • All stop signs and road markings have been set to no collide for smoother driving experience

218-19: Published @ August 18, 2022, 3:05 AM EST

  • Characters now move their head in the direction of the camera
  • Players now do not save minutes if they fail to load their old ones to prevent data loss
  • New setting “Map Waypoints”, helps players navigate to different parts of the map via billboard that can be seen through walls
  • Fixed a bug where players couldn’t reset through the default reset button

217: Published @ August 9, 2022, 2:05 PM EST

  • All seats (office chairs, benches, etc) in workspace now give a prompt to sit
  • Fixed bug where players bring a seat with them to their spawn upon respawning shortly after sitting down somewhere (seat or vehicle seat)

216: Published @ August 9, 2022, 1:24 AM EST

  • All vehicles now give a prompt to enter driver seat and passenger seats

215: Published @ August 8, 2022, 9:30 PM EST

  • Datacenter and power stations are now manually reset after 10 minutes
  • Bunker doors were added back to bunker
  • Reverted back to no forcing of blocky avatars

214: Published @ August 8, 2022, 12:30 PM EST

  • Fixed bug that resulted in players becoming invisible after dying to nuke
  • Fixed bug that resulted in players becoming invisible after dying to hot steel
  • Fixed bug that resulted in players stacking radiation sickness and associated sounds after each death when exposed to nuke
  • Fixed bug that resulted in government elevator going out of place
  • Restored blocky avatars
  • Disabled layered clothing due to visual roblox-sided bug

213: Published @ August 7, 2022, 9:30 PM EST

  • Fixed bug that resulted in vehicles being teleported when players ‘respawn’
  • Fixed bug where black screen does not go away during lag spike.
  • All characters now spawn with Robloxian 2.0 mesh kit, except for rebellion executives with blocky.
  • Gave 999 reserve ammo to all weapons
  • Restored previous health regen rate


  • Fixed bug that resulted in lag spikes per team change/reset
  • Fixed bugs regarding the ragdoll system
  • Fixed bugs regarding new respawn system and gui

Published @ August 7, 2022, 12:52 AM EST

  • Rebel executives morphs were adjusted
  • Minutes system will now no longer track minutes when minutes failed to retrieve (data loss prevention)
  • Gave roles of authority level 4 card for core roof access and future planned areas
  • Upgraded access card level of teams of authority by +1 (executives and officers)
  • Updated gui: new death screen, and health gui
  • Ammo for all weapons is back including ammo dispensers across the facility
  • Improved performance across all platforms

Publish 203: Major Update "Pre-Meltdown" (July 27, 2022)

Published @ July 27, 2022, 6:41 PM EST

  • Core area is now much bigger, featuring a cooling area and larger control center
  • Core system has been updated and is now more dynamic
  • Interior Security office is now bigger
  • Hospital has been updated with a new look
  • Datacenter has been updated (balconies)


  • Now with hazmat suits! Find them under the core control area and the nuke testing garage.

Quality of Life

  • All doors have been updated to be more polished
  • Fixed disguise sounds from sounding across the map
  • Terrain has been optimized to be more polished
  • Facility monitoring systems have been updated and polished
  • Morphs no longer have mass and weigh down vehicles


  • Fall damage has been added back

Publish 202: Hotfix (March 23, 2022)

Published @ March 23, 2022, 8:52 PM EST

  • Replaced private sounds longer than 6 seconds as per privacy update
  • Delivery truck drivers now deliver 5 units of metal and fuel
  • Added new loading screen

Publish 195: "Stealth" Small Update (February 11, 2022)

Published @ Feb 11, 2022, 2:08 AM EST

  • Intelligence agents and spies now have disguise tools and flares
  • Moved spy spawns to Rebel parking lot
  • Added fake delivery carrier at Rebel parking lot
    • Players that hide in delivery carrier have their name tags hidden
  • Raiders now have revolvers
  • Temporarily disabled ragdoll

Publish 187-189: "Rocket Overhaul" Major Update (February 4, 2022)

Published 193 (Hotfix) @ Feb 9, 2022, 11:52 PM EST

  • Added additional receiving bay in receiving department
    • Added Just Received Screen
  • Receiving bay and rocket forge now causes character death
  • Increased torque on raider truck and security cart
  • Buffed Sentinel role weapons

Published 192 (Hotfix) @ Feb 5, 2022, 12:28 PM EST

  • Changed vehicle emergency siren range to 250 studs

Published 189-191 (Hotfix) @ 3:55PM EST

  • General optimizations
  • Fixed Warlord 6X6 vehicle seats from being sideways
  • Fixed missing wall in launch area
  • Increased turn speed for delivery carriers
  • Changed entrance to have two entrances and an exit
  • Fixed executive special weapon givers
  • Anchored chimneys near receiving department

Published 187 @ 2:45AM EST

  • Revamped Nuke System

    • Blast appearance has been slightly altered to be appear more dynamic (2 more shockwaves, additional circle)
    • Added different types of nukes to launch
      • Nukes do different effects to character upon touching explosion circle
    • Completed logistics system, nuke system will run out of supplies if not refilled on regular basis
    • Rocket building system now creates nuke from metal forge and fuels rocket before launching
    • Test field camera system added
    • Upgraded target spawner with 3 more areas
  • Changed Vehicle System

    • Updated Sirens on emergency vehicles to be more dynamic and responsive
    • Changed Delivery Truck to Delivery Carrier
    • Updated interfaces for vehicle spawners
    • Optimized vehicle despawn system, players’ vehicles now last as long as they do not spawn another vehicle. Players who leave will have their vehicles automatically despawned.
    • Billboard Gui appears above driver and shows speed and vehicle name
    • Vehicles are more compatible on mobile and use native virtual gamepad controls
    • Vehicles are more torquey
  • Weapon Update

    • All weapons now have infinite ammo
    • Shooting is now enabled in vehicles
  • Other

    • Rebel executives can now make announcements on top of the rebel base
    • Data center has been downsized with new appearance
    • Facility Directors can now view cameras from their desk

Publish 183: Holiday Minor Update (December 22, 2021)

@ 1:01AM EST

  • Added Christmas trees and wearable hats to the map

Publish 165: Overseer Update (November 11, 2021)

@ 1:01AM EST

  • Added Overseer Update
  • New vehicles for rebellion
  • New roles for rebellion (Overseer, Warlord, Raid Leader)
  • New spawn area for rebellion
  • Map landmarks were location readjusted to have better travel flow between rebel base and facility

Publish 160: Minor Update / Hotfixes (Nov 4, 2021)

160: @ 3:41AM EST

  • Changed Executive teleporters to be more easier to use and less buggy
  • Small outposts added to exterior of map
  • External Security spawn forcefield was decreased
  • Optimized gun system to be less laggy
  • Decoy grenade now shoots multiple times
  • Training dummies in Military Barracks now take damage
  • Added canyon wall end at target testing area

Publish 149-52: Minor Update / Hotfixes (August 31, 2021)

152: @ 10:58PM EST

  • Removed annoying censored message when announcement was filtered. Replaced to a temporary 5 second delay message to try again. Shown on dashboard screen.
  • Fixed bug that allows players to run like Sonic the Hedgehog on mobile


  • Fixed bug causing jump button to disappear on mobile


  • Security Cameras: Added to the Interior Security Offices and can be accessed at the large computer monitor array.
  • Stamina System: Stamina is deducted when players run and jump. Stamina regenerates when walking or standing still


  • Run System: Players will now be able to run in-game. PC users must hold Left-Shift to run, while mobile players are provided with a button to hold on the right hand-side of the screen.
  • Clock UI has been moved lower on the screen

Publish 132-146: Quality of Life Improvements / Hotfixes (August 25, 2021)

QUALITY OF LIFE CHANGES (Quality/Performance/Experience improvements)

  • Build 146 | August 26, 2021 @ 3pm EST:

    • Increased bullet speed for most automatic weapons, bullets will now despawn earlier to reduce lag
    • Zooming in no longer slows down player, preparing for early sneak, walk, sprint system to be implemented soon
    • Upgraded Ammo Gui for better optimization and quality, now shows weapon name
  • Publish 145 [Hotfix]:

    • Optimized vehicle despawn system, added hidden cooldown countdown inside car (always on top)
  • Publish 144 [Hotfix]:

    • Fixed bug where turrets shoot delivery drivers upon leaving the warehouse
    • Fixed bug where vehicle spawners break for Delivery Truck, Government Sedan, and Government SUV
    • Made unanchored part of Strategic Command anchored
  • 143: Fixed wall blocking door Applied Sciences Center building

  • 142: Added back button for Team Selector

  • 141: Fixed delivery trucks not despawning correctly and causing lag

  • 141: Fixed bug where there is invisible wall on data center roof windows

  • Build 144 [Hotfix]:

    • Made raider and civilian hill less steep for easier delivery RP (132A-3)
    • Replaced Ammo Stations with Ammo Dispensers for optimization purposes
    • Changed Tooltip for Rebel Keycard to “Gets you only into the rebel base”
  • 139: Placed all help menus into one big help menu

  • 139: Updated vehicle tracking system, vehicle despawn system is now cleaner and takes 120 seconds to despawn vehicles

Publish 132: (Codename "CAMPUS", Part 1/2, FACILITY OVERHAUL) (August 7, 2021)


Completed large facility change to support more modular setup of buildings. This will allow for easier and better updates in the future regarding the map.

  • NEW Fusion Energy Production Center Core has been updated to be functional
    [Coming to Part II: Core meltdowns can occur every 40 minutes. Meltdowns can be avoided by activating emergency shutdown sequence. Only raiders can cause damage to core by hacking cooling pumps.]
  • NEW Strategic Command Center has been added between Launch Center and Executive Offices. Includes office for possible new role: Government Official
  • NEW Military Barracks have been relocated closer to datacenter and upgraded to have training area
  • NEW Interior Security Office with changed parking area, offices, roof access, and security camera room. Includes Security Supervisor Office.
  • NEW Datacenter upgraded from the Server Room, designed to be more secure and is located in the middle of the facility between Interior Security Office and Military Barracks.
  • NEW Trauma Center, upgraded from the Med Bay and rooms
  • NEW Weapons Production Center, [Coming to Part II: Players will be able to receive deliveries with different parts in order to build different nukes other than the default nuke *]
  • NEW Cafeteria inside Production Center
  • NEW Maintenance Office in between Energy Production Center and Data Center.
  • NEW Change Rooms and Washroom in multiple areas around Facility


  • New roles: Delivery Driver, Government Official, Janitor, Assembly Specialist
  • Facility directors are now able to initiate lockdown events [Delayed]
  • Executives are now able to sound alarms. [Delayed]


  • Proximity prompts for doors now open immediately on press and no longer require holding down

Publish 131: Quality Of Life (May 31, 2021)

Quality Of Life Update


  • Nuke now causes camera shake based on distance of nuke
  • Nuke now causes radiation in blast area based on distance from nuke explosion
  • Nuke explosion debris now causes vehicles to explode when in contact with lit blocks


  • Cars no longer give slippery glitch as a passenger when vehicle is despawned by spawner of vehicle
  • Car despawn time has increased to 3 minutes
  • Exterior Security now have vehicle spawners outside of spawn
  • Vehicles with incorrect facing seats have been fixed (such as: Maintenance Truck)
  • 131A, Mobile Bug: Disappearing steering controls bug has been fixed


  • Snipers now have decreased spread to fulfill popular vote
  • Green flare was fixed to have green light instead of red light


  • All teams now have a limit of 10 players
  • Security Supervisor now has different shirt


  • Team descriptions in Change Team were updated to match current loadouts

Publish 130: Environment update (May 22, 2021)


  • Added more obstacles around facility to improve tactical combat.
  • Revised exterior of facility for better traffic direction
  • Added drop off area and parking lot at facility exterior checkpoint
  • Changed flow of road in front of facility for better traffic flow
  • Added anti-facility turrets close to raider spawn to discourage camping
  • Day Night Cycle now changes skies at 2100 hours


  • Added features to menu: How to RP, Game Store.
  • How to RP shows tasks based on your role to provide direction as to how to roleplay
  • Changed rules to have a simpler look
  • Early version of Game Store has been released that will feature more products in the future


  • Guns were balanced to have more recoil and more bullet spread to reward tactics and positions more over aiming ability.
  • Interior Shotgun had bullet spread decreased, projectiles decreased from 5 to 4, damage decreased from 13 to 12
  • Exterior Security Sniper (M24 Sniper) has damage decreased from 50 to 35
  • Several other gun damage decreases…

Publish 129: Day night cycle (May 14, 2021)
  • Added day/night cycle to the game with time indicator GUI.
  • Military Officers now have Green Flares and Binoculars.
  • Executives also have Green Flares.
  • Commandos now have RPK machine gun, Smoke Grenades, and Red Flares.
  • Raiders now have decoy grenades.

Publish 128: QOL (May 8, 2021)
  • Added togglehat command for all players. Chat "togglehat* in-game to toggle transparency of head team head accessories at any time.
  • Removed roof ladder, added more gates and doors to help mitigate spawn camping.
  • Reduced turret cooldown time in scientist spawn.
  • Special Task Force now have smoke grenades and Silenced USP.
  • Hacked server rooms now cause all gates to be unlocked except for executive rooms.

Publish 124: QOL (May 4, 2021)
  • Changed nuke buildings/maps to stay anchored until they are nuked.
  • Sealed most doors.
  • Changed executive garage doors to be unhackable due to spawn camping concerns.
  • Director and Executive spawn invincibility increased to 15 seconds.

Publish 111: Facility executives update (April 14, 2021)
  • New Roles Released: Facility Director and Executives.
  • New weapons for Executive Council: Special Weapons.
  • New weapons for Facility Director: 2 Experimental Weapons.
  • New vehicles for Facility Director: APC, Limo, Director Sedan.
  • New vehicles for Executive Council: Tactical Truck, Executive Sedan.
  • Combative role weapons were balanced.
  • New free vehicle in garage: Maintenance Truck.
  • Facility entrance was moved closer to center.

Open Source Credits
Special thanks to the following developers for allowing me to use your code resources in my game.