Hello, I am currently scripting something to function my scoreboard, its a score system as of right now.
These numbers are supposed to increase when you click these buttons:
Touchdown being an addition of 6 points, and the rest represent literally themselves.
But, I have ran into an error unfortunately. When I click “touchdown”, the score adds 6, but when I click “Score +1”, it resets the score, and changes it to 1. I decent with scripting, i know pretty much most of the basics, but not much advanced, so take it easy on me please.
Script for touchdown:
local button = script.Parent
local cookieDisplay = game.Workspace.ScoreBillBoard.SurfaceGui.Main.Away.Score
local clicks = 0
clicks = clicks + 6
cookieDisplay.Text = “” … clicks
And the one for +1 is the same, just change the number to 1.
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