[ARCHIVED] Oak Builders Security Team - Handbook



Oak Builders Security Team

This handbook is written by the Leadership+ of Oak Builders Security Team.

Here we have a few simple rules to follow. They’re very easy to follow and as such violations will be punished fairly strictly.

Do note that we have NOTHING to do with Pinewood Builders.

General Rules

Here are some simple rules to follow while on duty as OBST:

  • Do not exploit.
  • Do not harass others.
  • Do not misuse chat (such as spamming, doxxing, etc.)
  • You must give a warning before using lethal force on a visitor.
  • Glitches that give an advantage during combat are not allowed.
  • You cannot team with OBRT.
  • You cannot meltdown the core on duty.
  • You cannot attack OBST or OBET members.
  • Do not impersonate HRs or administration.
  • You cannot use your rank as leverage against other security member.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

Q: Can you kill security members who attacked you?
A: Yes, you are allowed to do self-defense.

Q: What do I do if I see someone violating?
A: Report them to OB HRs. Refer to section 7 on how to do so.

Q: Can I apply for HR?
A: No, you must 1) get the points and 2) pass consensus. No exceptions!

Q: What do I do if I see a HR abusing?
A: IMMEDIATELY DM either Gandhi20 or the HoS. They will sort out the issue.

Q: Are autoclickers allowed?
A: No.

Q: Should I be in VC during patrols?
A: It is advisable, but not required.

Q: If someone kills me, can I run up to them and kill them immediately without warning?
A: Revenge killing is not acceptable. You must warn them before using lethal force (unless they patrolling as OBRT)

Q: Can I test my weapon on my friend?
A: If he/she consents, then yes.

Q: Can I kill someone that’s being annoying to me?
A: No.

Ranks & Requirements

Trainee → Default Rank.

Trained Security → 25 Points Required + Evaluation

Experienced Security → 50 Points Required + Minor Consensus

Max Security → 100 Points Required + Minor Consensus

Lieutenant → Handpicked for evaluation

Trainer → Handpicked by Head of Security+

Head of Security → Handpicked by Owner

Event Information

Here are some of the most common events you find at OBST:

  • Training: The staple of a security group, usually lasts 20-30 minutes. You can earn 5 points maximum.

  • Mega Training: A normal training but extended. Usually 30+ minutes. You can earn up to 10 points.

  • Combat Training: Essentially the same as a normal training, but the host only does combat-like activities. 6 points maximum.

  • Patrol: Fight OBRT and keep the core stable. Lasts 20-30 minutes at most, you can earn 5 points.

  • Mega Patrol: The same as a patrol but more points. 30+ minutes.

  • Gamenight: You can earn up to 2 points, usually 30+ minutes.

How to act at a patrol?

How to do self-training?

Reporting guide, and misc.

General Rules


Don’t spawnkill. Camping right outside the spawn and blocking it is considered spawnkilling.


Use your weapons responsibly when on duty. You are not allowed to kill someone if they did nothing. You should never carry another subgroup’s tools.


Don’t impersonate mods/admins, and high ranks.


Do not loophole rules or moderation.


Do not ask for admin, ranks or points. We’re not going to give it to you.


Doxxing is not tolerated. Doxxing means: Leaking faces, names, addresses, and any other personal information without the express permission of the person to who it belongs to.

Sell Accounts

You are not allowed to sell accounts with points/ranks + you’re breaking Roblox’s terms of services.


Wear your ranktag while on duty. You can change the division of the ranktag by saying !setgroup {OB/OBST/OBRT/OBET}. You can also turn your ranktag on/off by doing !ranktag {on/off}.


Exploiting is not allowed at Oak Builders + you’re breaking Roblox’s terms of services.

Misuse Chat

Do not misuse chat in any way, such as (for example): posting NSFW, spamming, harassment, etc.

General Patrol Rules

OBST Member

While on patrol as an OBST member, you are required to protect the facility from raiders. If there is a raider that is trying to cause a meltdown or a freezedown, go kill them and repair the damage that they did!

OBRT Member

When patrolling as a member of the OBRT, you need to try to make the most damage possible so that the facility goes on a meltdown or a freezedown! If a security member tries to repair the damage that the raiders did, go kill the player and break the damage that they repaired!

OBET Member

When patrolling as an OBET member, you have to turn the power back on when there is a power outage/failure. You must help OBST members to fight off OBRT members. If you do not own the OP Loadout gamepass, you may use OBST loadouts. You may only use OBST loadouts if you have your ranktag set to OBET. (!setgroup OBET)

Earning Ranks

Oak Builders Security Team

Trainee → Default Rank.

Trained Security → 25 Points Required + Evaluation

Experienced Security → 50 Points Required + Minor Consensus

Max Security → 100 Points Required + Minor Consensus

Lieutenant → Handpicked for evaluation

Trainer → Handpicked by Head of Security+

Head of Security → Handpicked by Owner

Oak Builders Emergency Team

Beginner → Default Rank.

Junior Respondent → 35 Points Required

Senior Respondent → 50 Points Required

Advanced Respondent → 70 Points Required

Field Captains → Handpicked for evaluation

Instructors → Handpicked by Chief+

Chief → Handpicked by Owner

Earning Points

Normal Training/Patrol → 1 to 5 Points
Mega Training/Patrol → 1 to 10 Points

Hosting Cooldowns

If the last event was a Normal Training/Patrol, you must wait 1 hour to host again.
If the last event was a Mega Training/Patrol, you must wait 3 hours to host again.


If you fail a section, you will be given 1 more chance. If you fail that section again, you will have to wait 24 hours to retake that section.

OBST Evaluation

Trained Security

  • Finish Tall Towers in under 35 seconds.
  • Finish Rock Climbing in under 30 seconds.
  • Pass a minor consensus.


  • Host a patrol/training under the supervision of Trainers+
  • Pass a major consensus.
OBET Evaluation

Field Captains

  • Host a patrol/training under the supervision of Instructors+
  • Pass a major consensus.