To make a colourful icon for an obby game (a few files off the obby will be supplied, with more available upon request + You are allowed to create your own scenes). The winner will be decided by whichever icon gets a higher CTR (Click through rate) on the roblox sponsor system.
Your submission can be a screenshot, a render, a photo, or even some 2d artwork!
It is STRONGLY encouraged, that you change colours, move assets around and configure the scene as you wish
1st Place: 20k R$
2nd & 3rd Place: 5k R$
Runners up: (Will negotiate 1-3k R$)
I know many people dislike art contests, So I am making an active effort to try and make it as fair on the artist as possible, I am doing this by:
- Judging the winner based on CTR data provided by roblox to remove subjecive bias
- Allowing the artist to keep the right to their art (excluding the winners)
- We will also try negotiate deals with runners up to buy their artwork so we can use it.
- Must be a square and ideally 1024x1024 resolution
- MAXIMUM 1 character (Which has to be DenisDaily)
- Must comply with all roblox TOS and copyright laws (Cannot feature any content / characters / brands that you do not have the right to use)
- Deadline is Friday the 23rd of September.
To submit an icon please post it in the replies to this tweet: https://twitter.com/LuaBearyGood/status/1571156082856267784
- I will select 10 icons from the submissions (Based on what I personally feel will get the highest CTR)
- I will run a 2.5k robux sponsor on each of the icons (Under 13, Any Gender, Phone)
- From the results of this test, I shall select 3 icons with the highest CTR (Must be a minimum of 7.5%) side by side (With a 10k robux sponsor on each of the icons)
- After those sponsors are completed I will look at the sponsorship results, and the icon with the highest % CTR will be contacted to receive their prize.
For the purpose of authenticity, I will provide the sponsorship results to any of the runners up that request it to ensure trust in the fairness of the result
Useful resources
Here are some example icons that we have tried:

🌟 DenisDaily Ultimate Obby 🌟 - Roblox Here is a link to the game the icon is for (takes about 10 minutes to play through)
Examples of successful obby icons:
Files of a few obby stages:
IconFile.rbxl (120.7 KB)