Obby stage ideas

@Yossossyaya have you already verified all your stages? If not, could I be the one to?

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Yes, I have verified all of them.

Sorry :neutral_face:

Hopefully this wasn’t mentioned already, but how about timer jumps? You would need to press a button which activates the jumps but only for a limited amount of time. Another type I can suggestion is parts affects by the Rope Constraints. Attach a part to a set of ropes so when stepped on, it’s fragile state causes it to move, this makes it challenging but fun.


Dam, both are good ideas! Off to my list they go!

Thank you!

I have an idea! You should make the guide person turn evil, and then instead of them guiding you, they will make the obby really hard! But, the catch is, it looks impossible, but there’s actually an easier (not easy, but easier) way to do it.

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That sounds cool!! I will try to implement It in the next update. (I see you finally got accepted, welcome to the community, glad to have you here!)

And thank you for the idea!

Since you’re near the end, it wouldn’t hurt to add some hard obstacles as a “finale”. Try adding some popular glitches obbyists use as obstacles! This includes wall hops, moving sideways on “truss walls”, dance and laugh clips, etc.

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I wouldn’t recommend doing such a thing. Adding obstacles that require you to know a glitch would alienate many players and cause them to be frustrated and quit before beating the game. Also using glitches in place of a game mechanic is bad game design. As well, one day Roblox may patch these bugs and then your game becomes unbeatable.

I would highly recommend if you want wall hops and moving sideways on “truss walls” to actually script it so players can have a uniform experience and you can tell them how to use these game mechanics.


head hitters, wall jumps, dropper, pve. These are all just random ideas that I came up with