Obby Stage Selector Help!

I need help working on my obby game. I’m looking to make a functional obby stage selector system Without a model. Below I have a screenshot of it. The “Down” and “Up” Text buttons are the stage selector buttons.

The leaderstat is called “Stage” and the checkpoints are in a folder called “Checkpoints” in workspace.


how do you name your checkpoints ? and how you know which stage the player in ?
i need this info to know how to teleport the player to the correct stage

Here’s how I do it:

  • Create an additional stat

    • IntValue
    • Similar to leaderstat, but not in the leaderstats menu
      • Somewhere in the player, e.g. game.Players.playerName.dataFolder.teleportStage
  • Use a server script for changing the teleportStage of the player.

    • Make sure the script checks if the requested stage is already reached by the player
  • Use RemoteEvents to let the server script know that the client wants to change the teleportStage value.

  • Edit your CheckpointScript logic to teleport the player to the teleportStage when it changes, but not when the player reaches a new checkpoint (because the player would be teleported to the checkpoint right after touching it).

For further details on how to implement this, I recommend taking a look at Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub.

What do I set the additional value as (The amount)

Please search before posting.

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I’ve searched them but all them lead to something I don’t want like “Techy’s Obby System”. The second one I did checkout but It was kinda confusing

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You use the teleportStage value to store the stage where the player respawns at. The Stage value that you already have in the leaderstats stores the furthest stage the player reached.

oh, okay.

i’m on mobile so this might not be worded the best.

the way i would make this is when the player clicks up/down, increment a variable called currentStage, make a checkpoints folder with each “checkpoint”, call the checkpoints inside “1”, “2”, corresponding to the level etc, also when the player clicks the up/down, use a function to teleport them to: checkpoints:FindFirstChild(tostring(currentStage))

a lot of people have given u good responses, the dev forum isn’t a place to ask for entire scripts (spoonfeeding), if u don’t understand the responses, watch more tutorials