Obbyverse map kit now avaible!

Here is a topic explaining what is Obbyverse: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/plz-give-feedback-on-my-game-obbyverse/707134/10 (read the first message)
As you can see, it’s basically an obby game with anti-gravity.

I decided to create a map kit to allow other builders to create maps.


  • You’ll find under the “Instructions” folder, 4 text messages that will explain your everything you need to know.
  • A few special scripted parts (example: kill brick, moving platform) in case you don’t know at all how to script.
  • A few scenery free models, to inspire you (you’re not forced to use them)
  • A map model, where you need to insert your map. You also need to configure a few values to set the map’s name, difficulty, time, etc.
  • You’ll also find my game’s gravity control system, install it using the “Setup” script.
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