OBC Theme Only Active on Parts of the Website

It’s not really a bug but it’s kinda frustrating when you have a web theme that’s only present on half the website…

I wasn’t aware there was an OBC theme since they updated the website…

@Tiger, you have to go to your account settings to change the theme.

On Topic: Yes, it would be nice if the entire website had the OBC theme (when enabled) and not just a few select pages.

The OBC theme is being removed entirely.

Source: totbl

You’ll have to use a GreaseMonkey script or download a Chrome app to color the website I guess then. That also means you don’t have to purchase OBC to get a cool theme though.

Isn’t a selling point of OBC that you get an exclusive theme?

For a year or so I spent $8 a month more to get OBC to have a dark theme.

Not anymore :frowning:

OBC theme is being thrown out soon anyway.
I did use the OBC theme until the web updates that didn’t use it. So jarring to switch so suddenly.

Nicely enough, I have produced a TamperMonkey/GreaseMonkey UserScript to do this automatically. ROBLOX Theme Changer - Pastebin.com

It could definitely be better - if you want to alter the colours slightly to make it better, that would be great. Most of the colours are at the top so you can change them manually. Also, if you want to change things, simply add the JS or uncomment them.

It removes most of the ads and (most importantly) fixes the non-center blurb.

Also, don’t mind the weird indenting. Tampermonkey’s editor is weird and likes to reformat my code sometimes.

EDIT: Okay that was weird. Somehow I double-posted.

Nicely enough, I have produced a TamperMonkey/GreaseMonkey UserScript to do this automatically. ROBLOX Theme Changer - Pastebin.com

It could definitely be better - if you want to alter the colours slightly to make it better, that would be great. Most of the colours are at the top so you can change them manually. Also, if you want to change things, simply add the JS or uncomment them.

It removes most of the ads and (most importantly) fixes the non-center blurb.

Also, don’t mind the weird indenting. Tampermonkey’s editor is weird and likes to reformat my code sometimes.