Oberschlesien tank | WWI project

Hey, devs! my second tank is here (and yes my last post said I might quit tanks but I gave it another try) so here it is. I also have an animation of it coming soon, also I tried making tracks but the shape was confusing to the curve in blender. Also, the top part is fully moveable.



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Pretty cool. I love the design. If I were you, I would try putting a lighter texture on it instead of using marble.

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Looks good. I would also experiment with texture and materials.

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U must use the wheel straps on the new tank like other

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I suggest slightly unsmoothing out the edges to give a better look of realism


Thank you, everyone, for the suggestion I will play with textures and next time try unsmoothing out edges. And I can assure you I will as wheel traps on the new tanks