I hope I am in the correct forum section now. ^^ I have a weird problem. I create a part and let it move forward by simply adding a Vector3 to the current position. I do this in a renderstep. So it is moving forward. The problem is after a while the object get destroyed automatically. It is flying in x direction so it can’t be the y axis limit I can set. I don’t have anything written in the script to destroy it. This object is a child of another object. The parent object is not getting destroyed. Is there any kind of setting which I have to change?
Thanks for your answers.
The object is anchored.It worked everything fine but random around 160k meters it get destroyed
The renderstepped line ist simply:
meshtrail.CFrame=meshtrail.CFrame + Vector3.new(1,0.2,0)*Speed
in a localscript and on the server i create it like this:
local meshtrail= Instance.new(“Part”)
meshtrail.Name = “Meshtrail”…player.Name
meshtrail.Size = Vector3.new(16,1,0.001)
meshtrail.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 15, 0)
meshtrail.Material = Enum.Material.Wood
meshtrail.Anchored = true