I have this gun i am making that fires out beams, the beans work just fine, but the gunshot appears in the one of the player’s feet, and not the position that it’s meant to fire in (i have a part welded to the gun that is in the position that the beam should appear, and it doesn’t fall off so it isn’t that.)
local handle = script.Parent.Handle
local attachment = handle.Attachment
local proj = game.ReplicatedStorage.Other.GunBeam
local projfire = proj:Clone()
projfire.Parent = script.Parent.Bullets
projfire.CFrame = script.Parent.FirePos.CFrame
projfire.Character.Value = p.Character
attachment.Smoke.Enabled = true
attachment.Smoke.Enabled = false
For some reason, the first time i shoot the beam is actually in the right place but all other shots are in the player’s feet as shown below.
The beam is anchored and the shot doesn’t appear in the floor, if i fire the gun while mid-air, the beam will still appear in my feet.