Object types in basepart

Question 1: What object types are there included when you do :IsA("Basepart)?

For example:

  1. Part
  2. SpawnLocation

Question 2: Is a model included in a base part or not?

Whenever you go to any devhub page. You can see on the left a list of groups of type of objects. You can change this by selecting CLASS TREE instead of GROUPED on top of this list. In Class Tree you are able to see what object types are included within a tree. So in your case, you want to know what object types are included within BasePart. Scroll all the way down until you see BasePart and you’ll see right under it what object types are considered BaseParts.


In this image we see that MeshParts, Terrain, TrussParts, CornerWedgeParts, WedgeParts, Parts, etc. are considered BaseParts.

We can also see that Models are not BaseParts because it is not connected to BasePart.