I have 3 items that need to be placed and a counter on the bottom right which is a GUI saying 0/3 each word is a different text label so it would be like 0 / 3, I would want it where once you place a flag down it would + 1 to the 0 text label any help? I don’t really have a script yet I never done this but I am currently on Player = Players.Local Player
UI = Player.ObjectiveCount
ObjectiveCount is the screen GUI the frame and text the labels are in
Ok so you can have a table containing the items (Table A) that are to be collected and an empty table for storing the collected items (Table B).
Add a click detector to the object and when the player clicks it, check if the object is in table B. If it’s not then remove it from table a and add it to table B. In order to update the UI, add a remote event and FireClient passing table B as the argument. In the local script loop through the table and update the UI accordingly