Object's mass doesnt change despite massless value being on

No this is not a text bug, the object actually still has mass ingame

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Oh and lowering density doesn’t work don’t bother suggesting it, i need completely 0 mass.

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A part by itself can’t be massless, it has to be welded into another unanchored part to become massless.

Lowering density is your closest option. Weld it to a really small part and setting that density to the lowest value. That’ll make the mass so small due to the size that its effectively zero

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What about objects that cant be welded otherwise they will break, like objects that are connected to hinges? This is such a stupid rule

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local part = script.Parent  -- Assuming this script is a child of the part

-- Function to print the mass of the part and its assembly root part
local function printMass()
    local mass = part:GetMass()
    local assemblyMass = part.AssemblyMass
    print("Part Mass: " .. mass)
    print("Assembly Mass: " .. assemblyMass)

-- Setting the part to massless
part.Massless = true

-- Print the mass after setting it to massless

-- Wait for a short duration to see if there's any change over time

-- Print the mass again to check if it remains consistent

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Maybe that part will work with the script you need to add

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I had a similar issue when connecting moving rotors for a helicopter, here’s what i did:

the rotor mesh part is massless and welded to the middle part which in turn is connected to the base with a hinge, the middle part has a really small size so when setting the density to 0.01 the mass becomes zero.

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For some reason if its massless it flings

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