Wdym its a inpairs. Its only ment to run 1 time and never again
Do you mean like a wait() with heartbeat?
Well have you tried using RunService instead of wait because that is what I mostly use in for loops and it waits on everything else to load as well because it will compensate for any disturbance. You can check back on the script I edited it again because I had some corrections to fix on it, aswell as using runservice.
how about ipairs and making i into _?
Well i wanna try it but im not exactly sure what you mean. I usually use runservice to repeat something and as I said this shall only happen once. But idk if you want me to put it into the wait()? Or something like that. Im sorry if I’m confusing or anything like that:
Its also a server script incase you don’t know
Im new to using in pairs and stuff can you tell me what difference that would make?
Just check back on the script like how @commitblue said with using runservice but this format will require you to use :Wait and not use :Connect just like how you said as well, because it will still yield the script just like how wait does.
Like this ? wait(game:GetService(“RunService”).Heartbeat)
or this game:GetService(“RunService”).Heartbeat:Wait()
ipairs does a fake iteration through table
pairs loops through a table
Alright thanks ill try that now
the second option it how it works because it already has wait made into the event.
Im properly sounding stupid but wdym by that? Wait nvm I think ik what you meant. Im just being stupid
you probably typed some text without actually doing anything with it, like “script.parent” but nothing else
No i have checked it all. + its a model so its only 1 thing I have to parent. Also remember that this not rendering thing only happens because of the wait() I added. If I were to remove it, it would happen but players joining would get a huge lagspike.
show your code so i can confirm that’s not the case tho
if it really isn’t the case then this is looking like a bug on roblox’s end
if Hitobj and folder[i].Name ~= "UsedSpawnPart" then
if Hitobj.Name == "StairUsage" then
--print("Theres stairs")
folder[i].Name = "EmptySpawnPart"
randomroom.Parent = workspace
folder[i].Name = "UsedSpawnPart"
elseif folder[i].Name ~= "UsedSpawnPart" and folder[i].Name ~= "Pillar" then
randomroom.Parent = folder[i]
--print("No hitobj")
if randomroom.Name == "Stairs" then
folder[i].Name = "StairUsage"
folder[i].Name = "UsedSpawnPart"
randomroom.Name = "PlacedRoom"
elseif folder[i].Name == "Pillar" then
local Pillar = game.ReplicatedStorage.SpecialRooms.Pillar:Clone()
Pillar.Parent = folder[i]
folder[i].Name = "UsedSpawnPart"
This code here is where it placed it in workspace and does its position. The randomroom is sat in another section.
if your maps include union operations, they can sometimes be unable to render due to object issues for some reason which also happened to me as reacted with my devastation prior to experience
it says its the 1st line, show that line
No its completly random. And theres no unions or meshes. And there’s no pattern its just random if it renders or not.