Objects not rendering

that may be the case, i recommend using meshes either way since you can optimize them manually and view the geometry

local folder = game.Workspace.SpawnPartsClean:GetChildren()


these look like a mesh or a union to me

Well i would agree if it wasnt for the fact that this only happens then I put the wait(). It would make more sense to happen without the wait() due to the exhaustion that would happen but yett it doesnt

Yeah those 2 are meshes but they are 2 out of 5 meshes

maybe do runservice.renderstepped:wait()?

Cant do that cause its a script, Also already tried runservice.heartbeat:Wait()

well… i’ve run out of ideas on what to do at this point

everyone has given you logical fixes, this is starting to look like more of a roblox bug then a error on your end, unless some expert helps and immediately knows what it is :laughing:

Welp thanks for trying. Really appreciate it. Its just weird why a wait() can cause this. It should be the oppersite.

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ok i’m not sure if this may be correct or not but since the term “wait()” ruins the entire rendering process it’s probably tinkering with the proper loading of the templates in the workspace while there are probably some insychronized scripts in other threads that interacts with the transparency

since i’m not sure, i think your not including the entire script due to the fact the models are able to be modified to be translucent then back opaque when you select then move them

whats the hierarchies of the scripts and the map loader and the models, since you could try to attempt to momentarily fix this problem by a pre-planned script that saves the set amount of transparency an object’s initial transparency in properties when the child (object) spawns (or just script inside the object to store it to a int value) in then uses that variable to fill it’s role later which is fired after cloning the template in the map (may use a lot of memory)

Yeah i can fix this here and not by making a loop that goes thru the entire model each time and sets the transparency. But I just really want to fix it cause I’m afraid will be a problem later on. Also I’m not including the entire script cause there’s a really advanced raycasting system I use. (This isnt the problem I’ve checked)

I think this would work on the not rendered stuff:

local RoomChildren = randomroom:GetChildren()
for i, v in pairs(RoomChildren) do
      if RoomChildren[i].ClassName ~= "Model" then
           RoomChildren[i].Transparency = RoomChildren[i].Transparency

I belive that it still holds the transparency but its just not rendered

Try turning the wait() into a wait(0.1). This will make a new model load every 0.1 seconds and slowly build the map. Chances are this won’t fix it, but you can get an idea of what’s happening.

Yeah this wont fix it ive tried

Weird part is its not happening in studio only in game Its really weird and doesn’t make sense at all

then that means its the connection to the server to load these models immediately one by one or instantly between intervals but since ROBLOX studio uses client sided type of connection meaning you’ll get less than 20 ping commonly for most of the time thus making memory and shuffling thrice as quick

you could either try adding a yielding line until all assets in the templates have properly loaded using some type of service that i forgot the name of, one is called content provider and some other thing which are used for loading screens without a useless purpose so then the rendering may get less wonkier

Could this be the problem? Every model is a streaming mesh?

I did the same thing as you did spawn a bunch of parts and it seemed fine to me I was able to see the parts but Im assuming it is because you are using meshes which can take up more time also it is always better to use the wait at the end of the loop like so:

for i, v in pairs(folder) do
--the adding parts before the wait

I found out the problem
Its because since there’s so many rooms I had set them all to streaming mesh thinking it would change something but it didn’t. Now I tried taking streaming mesh off and changed it to Automatic. ANd it worked.

Streamingmesh is a Option on a model basically what it does it making the quality of a model worse the longer away you are.

Also thank you everyone for spending your time trying to help me