Hello! I’m having a problem with my conveyors where objects on one conveyor will come to a 90 degree turn but instead of just gliding across each conveyor smoothly, the objects sometimes hit the second conveyor at the junction, stopping them. Here’s a video to show what I mean.
The second to last item on the conveyor in the video did the thing, and while it didn’t look like much of a problem there, I’m gonna be using much smaller parts with less mass on the conveyors, so that much of a bump will completely make it lose all velocity and most of the time won’t make it onto the second conveyor part.
The problem isn’t that the conveyors aren’t lined up perfectly, I’ve used snap to part and snapped them together, zoomed in suuuuper close to make sure they are together perfectly, checked properties to make sure the numbers for their position and size are perfect, there is no way they aren’t lined up. so idk whats causing this. thx for helping anyone who does
Roblox’s physics engine lets parts sink a little into other parts. For instance, if you’d place a part perfectly above another, and dropped it, it will stay right above the part, but if push it against another part, it will sink a little into the other part
What is probably happening here is that at the junction, even though your two conveyors are perfectly aligned, the physics engine doesn’t care and still sees a plane where the part can collide at the junction
To fix this, you can make the second conveyor a little bit lower than the first one (and perhaps give it some angle to make the parts move up again), like @iATtaCk_Noobsi suggested, or you can make a mesh for your conveyors that has a tiny bevel at the edges
The bevel can probably be very small, or you can make a bevel that is very steep, to limit the gap
Cylinders would also work, but you’d probably have to do a union and hope that the union creates a smooth mesh with no plane that could cause an intersection. A simple bevel would also limit the amount of vertices and stuff in your game
The annoying this is resizing, but you can probably ignore it, or use EditableMeshes. You can also make the bevelled part invisible, as an invisible hitbox