This would not be an issue with streaming enabled since with streaming enabled, the part would not even be there in the workspace clientside (you would not even see it in explorer or be able to collide with it). You must have a script somewhere that is controlling its transparency, it would explain why it is only happening to that structure.
Cant be, there is not a single snippet of code that handles any objects transparency except for the arms. When i deleted all the rigs in the workspace, the problem still persists but not as frequent.
What im doing now is looking at articles on how to “optimize” my game even tho it has little to nothing in it. This small problem is really irritating to me.
Are you sure there’s no code?
Try using the search tool in the Explorer window with the term Instance:Script to see if there are any scripts you don’t know about.
Ah I see. That is extremely strange. But the fact that the parts are being detected by the console is a sign that it probably isn’t streaming enabled. Does this still occur when you copy and paste that model into a new game?
I deleted a part that was on the object and the problem is gone? How the hell does that work?
That part is also on the baseplate, so that means the baseplate also shouldve dissapeared, but it didnt? What the hell is going on.
Ah it could be streaming enabled them. Go to your workspace and mess with the streaming properties. Try increasing the min radius by more, and also set your game to pause when there are items loaded that you can’t see.