Code Snippet
CollRotationPoint is just the Rotation Value of when the object
spins, there is no problem with it
CollRotationPoint = (CollRotationPoint + dt*45) % 360
for _,i in CollectionService:GetTagged("Collectable") do
local y = math.sin(os.clock()*2)
-- math.sin usage, multiplied by 2 to increase its speed
local Normal = y + (i.Size.Y/2 + 1)
-- This is to prevent the Object from Clipping through the floor
-- when math.sin is active
local NormalVector = Vector3.new(0, Normal, 0)
-- Creates a Vector
local Pos = CFrame.new(i.Position + NormalVector)
local Rot = CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(CollRotationPoint), 0)
-- Creates CFrame for use
i.CFrame = Pos * Rot
-- Applies CFrame
-- When Adding (OriginalPosition + OffsetPosition)
-- instead of it moving relative to its location
-- it instead rises forever without stopping
How can I fix this? It has been an issue for quite some time now.