Objectvalue doesnt work

this may have nothing to do with the category i chose, but
when i try to change the value in objectvalues, it doesnt let me change the text.

Screenshot 2021-08-21 223122

An Object Value stores an object, so a part, but not a text.

this was a lie im not dumb read below

ok the winpad doesnt work.

the winpad has a objectvalue called “KitFolder” and in there i have to change the value to the tower acronym (in this case its NAT) BUT IT DOESNT LET ME AND IF I REFERENCE THE FOLDER “NAT” IT BREAKS also im sorry for yelling but frhehtr3


Anyways, there are 3 values:

Int: stores numbers
Strings: stores text
Bool: stores true or false

If you want to store a text into a value then you should use StringValue. You’re using an ObjectValue, it stores a value of an asset, let me show you how it works.

When clicking the Value button, you need to click an asset on your explorer, that’s how it stores it.

More info here: ObjectValue

my issue is, when i do it on a folder “NAT” it wont work

It should also work with folder’s, could you please explain your error more?

Weird, it should work.

Explain your error more, thanks

Are you doing this inside a script? You might be attempting to assign the Value inside a ServerStorage but you are using a localscript to do that.

testing right now, trying to see if it works

im not doing this in a script. its inside a winpad, that part teleports you to the winroom but that script with the teleporting is a local script but that works

the local script has nothing to do with the value itself

Ahh, I know what you mean!

You’re teleporting the player to a specific part and the objectvalue is basically the part. Is that true?

Could you please screenshot the explorer and the code?

thank you, it works now. i was just stupid and put it in a wrong part