OC saving with a custom character

Hello everyone, I have a game with custom characters i created using blender, and same thing with the accessories, hair, clothes, etc.
I’m still not entirely sure how to go about this process yet, though I’ve been trying to research serialization, Here is how my customization screen is set up:

(the save slots currently have no scripts inside of them ^)

here is some of the code inside of the hair buttons

local remote = game.ReplicatedStorage.CHARACTERCREATION.Remotes["Hair events"].WD.Hairevent10

local function dead(object)

	if game.Workspace["Clone morphs"]["false"]:FindFirstChild("hhair") then
		local icky = game.Workspace["Clone morphs"]["false"]:FindFirstChild("hhair")
	local hair = game.ReplicatedStorage.CHARACTERCREATION["Cloneable acc"]["WD Hair"]["Long hair"]["Autumn girl"]:Clone()
	hair.Name = "hhair"
	hair.Parent = game.Workspace["Clone morphs"]["false"]


this one below is for deleteing hair if thats important what so ever

local remote = game.ReplicatedStorage.CHARACTERCREATION.Remotes["Hair remove"]

local function dead(object)

	local hair = game.Workspace["Clone morphs"]["false"]:FindFirstChild("hhair")

there are two different “species” with their own respective versions of the accessories (although the same mesh for the most part) so i hope it wont be too much of a problem,

i would like for the save’s to work similarly to WCUE’s save slots if possible, atleast in the aspect of being able to see your oc, if not that then being able to name the slots.
i’ve never done stuff like this before, so i hope its alright if anyone wanting to help can explain a tad more in depth than you would with someone more experienced? if not thats alright.

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What are you specifically trying to do/need help with?

Im trying to make it so people can save their oc’s they created into save slots, and be able to load them back up upon rejoining the game!

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Do you need help just figuring out how to format the data? The way I do it is give every character a uniqueID and then hold all the customization values in a table. For example below, the unique characterID’s CharacterLoadout table holds these following values. For Color, I just save the 0-1 RGB value and then set a name for what kind of item it is if that makes sense.


not just the format Per Se but also how i would exactly ID the characters,
But may i ask how to make a table in that kind of format? I’m still learning tables in my own time so its still a bit above my head if you get me lol!

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Wrote a bit of code to help you get started and commented it too. Lmk if you need any more questions.

    local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

    --this is set/get from your datastore
    local playerSlots = {}

    --this gives a unique id for your custom character
    local uniqueID = HttpService:GenerateGUID(false)

    --add the reference to your playerSlot table
    playerSlots[uniqueID] = {}

    --table where the character loadout is held
    --you can add whatever categories of items and colours you need here
    playerSlots[uniqueID].characterLoadout = {
        Pants = "jeans",
        Shirt = "polo",
        Hair = "wavy",

        --Color table can be used for specific accessory colours
        --Uses the RGB format so the colour below would be orange hair
        Color = {
            Hair = {
                R = 255,
                G = 127,
                B = 0,

    --you can also add other values to the playerSlot for your character, for example coins
    playerSlots[uniqueID].coins = 100
    playerSlots[uniqueID].specie = "vampire"

    --printing the playerSlot here so you can see what the table would look like


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Oh this helps a lot! thank you so much!
one more question i have would be saving and loading,
i have a slight idea on how to do the loading part of the accessories, but for the saving part for the player and joining im not quite sure, i assume it requires using datastores which i know a little bit about.

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Rip, you would need to learn how to save to datastore and create your own module or just use something like profile service

Alrighty, thank you again! you helped a lot and hopefully i should be able to figure this out now!

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