Occlusion Culling

Is there any way to create and script occlusion Culling /or Frust Culling in roblox LUA?

Example in Unity:


There are ways to check if something is on screen but it would be even more laggy looping through every object in the workspace.

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Yes, but there wouldn’t be much room for optimization. You would probably have identical performance to frust culling on larger maps because of how much objects you would loop through every frame.

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Roblox have this already, you not need to doing this. It’s called Frustum Culling

Frustum culling is not rendering everything that is off screen, occlusion culling is not rendering something that is behind something, for example, lets say you have a wall covering something, you’re looking at that wall, so the wall is getting rendered, but the things behind it are not. This would save performance, but ROBLOX refuses to add it because of mobile players :man_facepalming:.


Occlusion culling is on the roadmap for 2024


They don’t always keep their promises, i really hope they add this though.

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I would love to see it… It would help many games with a big storyline or a big map…

This is one of the reasons I switched from Unity and Unreal to Roblox. I know this is to be a system for younger players. But the studio is so well made you can hardly call it a system for younger programmers.

Roblox has all this stuff!

Unity has occlusion culling… which is like 30 times better than Frustum culling

Both methods work if they are optimized well, and calulated well Both are very useful to avoid any lag, but each can have its issues when under stress.

Roblox for the majority of cases, uses all of these to optimize its environments and to make it convinient for its developers, so they dont have to worry about much of the technical side of things. Overall, they just make it easy to use.

This isnt really roblox fault, as mobile devices are infamous for being hard and complicated to work with. They are barely adding Future lighting to Mobile devices because of this reason.