Octopuso's interview hub [GUIDE]

Salutions! Welcome to the Octopuso interview hub session guide, this guide was created by FeaturedEmbed but posted by @Juicoius also known as one of the contracting members!

Hub host

Please begin when the session schedule has your time listed, you must have shouted, logged and announced the session.


play [MUSIC ID] loop

m Salutions, welcome to Octopuso’s hub session, this session is hosted at the interview hub, all instructions and guidelines will be listen now until stage two commences.

m Before we commence with the rules and guidelines, we require you to correct the following sentence, “hiyya WELCOME to da seafood BAR im ur cheth for todai how culd i help”

name admins Correct the following, “hiyya WELCOME to da seafood BAR im ur cheth for todai how culd i help”

After that has been checked, please continue.

m That’s all checked up, we require the best of silence from now on, failment of doing so will lead into a hub removal.

m [I] Your spelling, punctuation and grammar is important to us as communication with customers is key and that does need to be quality not quantity.

m [II] Respect and kindness is very important to use while communicating and being with the customers at the facilities.

m [III] Promotions are earned, not asked for, currently if you pass this interview, you will be ranked to a trainee chef, you then have to pass 3/III trainings to be eligible to become a promoted rank, only senior members may promote you by noticing you at work.

m Hey there, just doing an active check, if you are online viewing this, please say ‘active here and I’m online’ in the chat, after you said that, please become silence once again.

m [IV] Session notifications are located on the communications server, after this session we suggest you join our communications server to be notified when sessions come and to communicate with the other members!

m [V] Take passion in Octopuso’s, we will help you as much as we can, but make sure to try your best this session.

m This interview session at the hub may now commence, please wait by for your interviewer to give you further instructions.

When the session has been ended and there is only staff members in the server, do the following;

m Thank you for the wonderful session, please comes on down to the middle for a screenshot to post in #photos on the communications.

After that has been complete, execute the following commands to end the server.

m The interview hub server will now be shutdown, have a nice day and make sure to post that picture!


Hub interviewer

Salutions, welcome to today’s interview, I am - and I’ll be interviewing you today, before we start this interview, do you have any questions?

If they have questions, answer them and when that is sorted, please continue.

Remember, please follow all the guidelines and make sure to have fun and no attitude to this, good luck!

[I] Why should you be hired as a staff member here not any of the other applicants?

[II] Why should we trust you for this position, give us some details please.

[III] What are your strengths and weaknesses here in the Roblox platform?

[IV] What do you think is your grammar level out of IO?

[V] If you pass this interview, will you attend the next training session possible and become an active member?

That’s all of the questions done, good luck as I will check your answers now.

Say the command ‘chatlogs’ in the command bar and say ‘!away’ in chat, after you have checked their answers and made a decision, say ‘!back’ in chat and continue.

If they have failed say the text below;
You have sadly failed this interview for - and make disappointed as there is always another chance to improve and pass!


If they have passed, rank them to the trainee chef rank and say the text below;
Well done! You have passed and been ranked, make sure to join our communications server and become a verified member!

refresh [USERNAME]

After five seconds, type the command below and head off to the end room.


That’s the end of the interview guide, the rank you have been given in the interview is above, please use that guide and of course, you may customise it but have the essentials there.

We recommend for all middle and higher ranks to not have the 13- (safe chat) system enabled, we are doing this as in session there are words that have spelling mistakes, in the check grammar test, and would be tagged on their names.

Juicoius on behalf of FeaturedEmbed,
Senior leadership team of Octopuso’s

Message from the chairman

For the hub music, we recommend you to use Octopuso’s saved tunes, contact a chief communications officer for the direct trello link.

All guide edits will be posted here, all edits are prior on the communications server, the communications link can be found on the group’s profile.

Juicoius and on behalf of FeaturedEmbed,
Senior leadership team of Octopuso’s

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