Odd command key behaviour in the roblox player on macs

  1. What do you want to achieve? How do I allow players to interact with a click detector while holding down the command key with an item in hand (e.g. a speed coil) - similar to holding ctrl on windows. I can do this while testing in studio, but not in the roblox player.

  2. What is the issue? Most of the issue is described above. This could be a bug, but I cannot report it through the devforum and I tried going through roblox support multiple times to no avail. This issue happens on multiple macs I have tested - all of them being M series macbook pros. Here is a video showcasing this (the first clip is the roblox player, and the second is in studio): https://youtu.be/gN0mBSHVobc?si=Ugw_VbtvhfNWUqWk. Holding down the command key in the roblox player makes you keep moving in that direction untill you press the input key again - this does not happen in studio.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I tried contacting roblox support about this but they didn’t test it for themselves and it was a whole mess. I also tried looking on the devforum for this, but I cannot find it.