Odd placement of text and not showing selected font

When in studio the text does not appear where it is supposed to be, along with that it does not use the font that I had selected. Examples below.

This bug happens all the time. It has happened to be on all of my UIs, this also does include the CoreUI, such as the leaderboard.

This only happens in studio, when in “editing” mode and while in playtest. When you go into the actual game it is not a problem, everything likes up where it’s supposed to.

Anyone have a fix for this?

I’m not sure what else I can supply on this, but it just seems as if LineHight is somehow messed up in studio and studio only.






Note, I did post this in studio bugs

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Have you added UIConstraints to the UI? If you don’t it might bug or like that.

There has been no edit to anything on the element, the only thing that has been touched was the text and the boarder pixels if boarder was added. Tricky tricky