Official launch of my website! - MrAtomGames

Hi everyone!
After a long time of work, my official website is officially launched, where you can check more information about my games such as the update history or the credits for the games. :partying_face::tada:

Official Web: Home - MrAtom Games

Links of active games:
Mortal Run


Every new thing that I implement in a game will be reflected on my official page.

Unfortunately the page does not have its own domain, but I will only use it to inform about updates and changes of some game, originally I wanted to use twitter for this type of notifications, but uhn tweet has uhn character limit and it does not give me space for the report update, so I decided to create a web page.

I hope you like the page, as I have tried hard to get the best design I could think of. Thanks! :sweat_smile:

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