Oh yeah I saw this. Roblox has been working on a storybook thing for a while now, I guess they finally finished. This may also be in conjunction with style sheets. I guess we’ll see
What is it anyway, I got no clue what it is or what its supposed to do?
i guess that that is a way to make gui using scripts and to manage/update it without scripts easily
yeah that is awesome
ack ack! I’ve got this appearing, too - it’s populated with some roblox UI. Hoping that this is actually going forth; I’m using UI Labs, which works, but it’s incredibly janky - official Storybook support would be brilliant!
I am sad now.
Can confirm that it’s going to be hidden again.
There will probably be open source shared component framework stuff available in the long run but the current visibility was just a mistake. It’s clearly not in a useful state for public consumption as it currently is.
That’s unfortunate, it was full of useful components.
Just download it while you still can so you can reference it whenever you need, atleast thats what ive done
I don’t know where the BuiltIn plugin files are
nvm, found them! it’s called SuperTemplate.rbxm i guess. lots of cool disney xd references
For anyone else interested you can find the plugin here:
%localappdata%\Roblox\Versions\{LATEST_VERSION (just look for most recently changed)}\BuiltInPlugins\Optimized_Embedded_Signature\DeveloperStorybook.rbxm
However by the looks of it all internal plugins have also been provided in this version
so if your interested you may want to just save the whole BuiltInPlugins folder
it’s very odd, i could not find DeveloperStorybook.rbxm but I found a similiar one called SuperTemplate, also the other internal tools did not appear to me
I think its a weird hybrid between a distribution and internal build, maybe I just got lucky with what I got?
btw where did you find that, im having trouble with it
Its just shortcuts you can access it via File > Advaned > Customise Shortcuts
Some more cool stuff, not sure if this is intended to be part of this version but it’s the first time I’ve seen it
Not actually useful to you.
You will not be able to use the components in it because even if you strip out the easier to remove internal things like fast flag references, many components depend on the engine styling system which has not been publicly released yet.
What’s the ETA on a beta for that? I know last time I used it with FFlags it had its own quirks, but it was definitely an interesting tool to use.
The reason it’s taking a while is that it had to be re-architected thanks to perf issues. That’s mostly been done now, don’t know the final ETA though.