These are the official training guidelines for Tiny Trampoline Park on ROBLOX.
Guidelines are subject to change without notice!
Written by iLunxa and justryyy
Approved by csimple
General Information
All guests, members, and staff must abide by Tiny Trampoline Park Guidelines found here. Moreover, everyone must follow Roblox Terms of Service and Community Rules.
Host / Co-Host Ranks
Ranks that are able to host and/or co-host are Super High Ranks+. This consists of Human Resources Intern and above. For more information about rank classes, visit our official guidelines.
Trainings Times
At this time, Tiny Trampoline Park does not allow custom trainings times. The following times are valid training times below, which a host and co-host may claim for that day.
Valid Training Times
12PM (Eastern Time Zone)
2PM (Eastern Time Zone)
5PM (Eastern Time Zone)
7PM (Eastern Time Zone)
Trello (Daily Training Schedules)
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ HOSTING A TRAINING ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
If you have an upcoming training, make sure you are at the training center 10-15 minutes early.
Once it is official time to start, follow the given procedures (copy and paste):
Step 1: slock the server before you begin
Opening Announcement: “Hello, welcome to Tiny Trampoline Park training center. I’m your host, [username]. I’ll now restate Tiny Trampoline Park expectations.”
Expectation 1: “To work together to ensure jumpers satisfaction at the park.”
Expectation 2: “To represent Tiny Trampoline Park in the best possible way.”
Expectation 3: “To follow all guidelines and Roblox Terms of Use.”
Expectation 4: "To report any bugs, hackers, exploiters, admin abuse, etc. to super high ranks.”
Expectation 5: “To not make any attempts at hacking, exploiting, or abusing admin.”
Expectation 6: “To not beg for ranks; earn them!”
Expectation 7: “To respect all superiors, including those you dislike.”
Expectation 8: “To carry out any orders given to you by superiors as long as it follows the guidelines and Roblox Terms of Use.”
After finishing expectations, have the co-host split up your trainers. Assign each trainer a different rank to train and have trainers line up next to each other. Then, assign each lower rank their trainer based on ranks as state above.
csimple (training trainees)
justryyy (training cashiers)
iLunxa (training park monitors)
Announce: “All trainees, please walk over to your trainer, csimple, for training.”
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ TRAINER TYPES ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Ranks that are able to be trainers and train lower ranks are Assistant Manager+. If you have a preference in what rank you’d like to train, let the host know before training begins.
Trainee Trainer
Below you can find protocols for training trainees. If you do not have an assistant trainer, fill in and announce their parts as well. Do not use :h, :m, or :n to do so. Simply use the chat.
Trainer: “Hey there! I’m [username], your trainer today.”
Assistant Trainer: “Hey there! I’m [username], your assistant trainer today.”
Trainer: “Our assistant trainer will now restate some training rules we hope you’ll follow!”
Assistant Trainer: “1. If you need to go AFK (Away From Keyboard), please let us know! If not, we’ll have to kick you.”
Assistant Trainer: “2. Please pay attention! There will be a short quiz after training.”
Assistant Trainer: “3. Be kind and if you have a question, please do not shout it out. We’ll come around asking for any questions in between trainings.”
Assistant Trainer: "Those are our rules for training today. Please give us a moment and our trainer will begin training. Best of luck"
General Training
During this time, teach the trainees how to greet Jumpers and use the check-in system. The proper greeting is as followed:
- e.g. Trainee: “Welcome to Tiny Trampoline Park! I’m [username], how long will you be jumping for today?”
- e.g. Trainee: “Enjoy! Have a good day!”
Inform the trainees that they have the freedom of customizing this greeting, as long as it stays professional and uses proper grammar. Moreover, inform them that grammar must be used at all times and failure to do so will result in a demotion.
Next, when it comes to check-in, teach them how to use it. Explain the steps in giving a Jumper a ticket and that the username needs to be spelt correctly at all times or it will say “Invalid Player…”
- e.g. Typing Csimple will not work since my username is csimple (all lowercase).
After this, test each trainee and allow them to try greeting and checking you. Make sure to give critiques on how they can improve in the future. Once everyone is finished, move onto the troller test.
Troller Test
During this test, feel free to be creative and make costumes. The point of this test is for lower ranks to demonstrate the ability to handle trollers properly with warnings. Before testing, inform lower ranks that they must give three warnings before contacting a higher rank to kick.
e.g. Warning 1: Trolling
e.g. Warning 2: Trolling
e.g. Warning 2: Cap abuseWhen finished testing each lower rank, give critiques and then move onto the guidelines test.
Guidelines Test
This test is to make sure all users have some knowledge about the guidelines. With this test, you have freedom to ask whatever questions you want. Of course, make sure users do not shout out the answers and ask “PTS” (Permission To Speak) so that it’s fair. Do several questions, not just one. We need lower ranks to be knowledgable about the guidelines.
- e.g. “Under general park rules, what is rule #4?”
Users who excel in training and both tests should be deemed as passers. Therefore, teleport them into the passing line and the host or co-host will rank them.
Once you complete your training, please teleport your passers onto the “passing” line in the lobby and kick the users who failed politely.
Cashier Trainer
Below you can find protocols for training cashiers. If you do not have an assistant trainer, fill in and announce their parts as well. Do not use :h, :m, or :n to do so. Simply use the chat.
Trainer: “Hey there! I’m [username], your trainer today.”
Assistant Trainer: “Hey there! I’m [username], your assistant trainer today.”
Trainer: “Our assistant trainer will now restate some training rules we hope you’ll follow!”
Assistant Trainer: “1. If you need to go AFK (Away From Keyboard), please let us know! If not, we’ll have to kick you.”
Assistant Trainer: “2. Please pay attention! There will be a short quiz after training.”
Assistant Trainer: “3. Be kind and if you have a question, please do not shout it out. We’ll come around asking for any questions in between trainings.”
Assistant Trainer: "Those are our rules for training today. Please give us a moment and our trainer will begin training. Best of luck"
General Training
To train this rank, inform them the duties of being a trampoline monitor. This includes: cleaning up socks on the floor with the broom, scanning tickets, and acting as customer service professionals. Inform them that grammar is a must at the park and when working.
To teach them customer service skills, demonstrate the following:
- Being polite & respectful
- Listening to concerns
- Being professional
Feel free to give them this example to explain further:
- e.g. “Hey, how are you? Is everything okay today?”
- e.g. “Hey, how are you? Are you enjoying the park today?”
- e.g. “Oh no! What’s the issue and how can I help?”
After doing so, explain the purpose of the ticket scanners. Scanners are used to check if Jumpers have a ticket. If a jumper does not have a ticket, ask them politely to go to the front desk to get one.
- e.g. “Hey! I noticed you didn’t have a ticket. Could you please go to the front desk and get one? Thanks so much
After doing the following, please move onto the troller test.
Troller Test
During this test, feel free to be creative and make costumes. The point of this test is for lower ranks to demonstrate the ability to handle trollers properly with warnings. Before testing, inform lower ranks that they must give three warnings before contacting a higher rank to kick.
e.g. Warning 1: Trolling
e.g. Warning 2: Trolling
e.g. Warning 2: Cap abuseWhen finished testing each lower rank, give critiques and then move onto the guidelines test.
Guidelines Test
This test is to make sure all users have some knowledge about the guidelines. With this test, you have freedom to ask whatever questions you want. Of course, make sure users do not shout out the answers and ask “PTS” (Permission To Speak) so that it’s fair. Do several questions, not just one. We need lower ranks to be knowledgable about the guidelines.
- e.g. “Under general park rules, what is rule #4?”
Users who excel in training and both tests should be deemed as passers. Therefore, teleport them into the passing line and the host or co-host will rank them.
Once you complete your training, please teleport your passers onto the “passing” line in the lobby and kick the users who failed politely.
Park Mechanic Trainer
Medic Staff Trainer
Senior / Regular Park Monitor Trainer
Below you can find protocols for training park monitors. If you do not have an assistant trainer, fill in and announce their parts as well. Do not use :h, :m, or :n to do so. Simply use the chat.
Trainer: “Hey there! I’m [username], your trainer today.”
Assistant Trainer: “Hey there! I’m [username], your assistant trainer today.”
Trainer: “Our assistant trainer will now restate some training rules we hope you’ll follow!”
Assistant Trainer: “1. If you need to go AFK (Away From Keyboard), please let us know! If not, we’ll have to kick you.”
Assistant Trainer: “2. Please pay attention! There will be a short quiz after training.”
Assistant Trainer: “3. Be kind and if you have a question, please do not shout it out. We’ll come around asking for any questions in between trainings.”
Assistant Trainer: "Those are our rules for training today. Please give us a moment and our trainer will begin training. Best of luck"
General Training
Park monitors and senior park monitors need to understand the importance of following rules. They should demonstrate professionalism and proper grammar throughout this job. Explain the importance of following rules and making sure others follow them as well. Teach them how to handle disrespectful Jumpers and how to properly complete their jobs.
When dealing with disrespectful users, make sure to stay professional and respectful. I understand this may be difficult but it is what is best to do in situations like this to prevent any consequences.
- e.g. “Sir/ma’am, can you please calm down and let me know what’s wrong?”
If the situation escalates, contact a higher ranks to assist you! After explaining this, test each trainee by creating your own disrespectful test and see how they handle it.After this, move onto the troller test!
Troller Test
During this test, feel free to be creative and make costumes. The point of this test is for lower ranks to demonstrate the ability to handle trollers properly with warnings. Before testing, inform lower ranks that they must give three warnings before contacting a higher rank to kick.
e.g. Warning 1: Trolling
e.g. Warning 2: Trolling
e.g. Warning 2: Cap abuseWhen finished testing each lower rank, give critiques and then move onto the guidelines test.
Guidelines Test
This test is to make sure all users have some knowledge about the guidelines. With this test, you have freedom to ask whatever questions you want. Of course, make sure users do not shout out the answers and ask “PTS” (Permission To Speak) so that it’s fair. Do several questions, not just one. We need lower ranks to be knowledgable about the guidelines.
- e.g. “Under general park rules, what is rule #4?”
Users who excel in training and both tests should be deemed as passers. Therefore, teleport them into the passing line and the host or co-host will rank them.
Once you complete your training, please teleport your passers onto the “passing” line in the lobby and kick the users who failed politely.
Head of Staff Trainer
Below you can find protocols for training head of staff. If you do not have an assistant trainer, fill in and announce their parts as well. Do not use :h, :m, or :n to do so. Simply use the chat.
Trainer: “Hey there! I’m [username], your trainer today.”
Assistant Trainer: “Hey there! I’m [username], your assistant trainer today.”
Trainer: “Our assistant trainer will now restate some training rules we hope you’ll follow!”
Assistant Trainer: “1. If you need to go AFK (Away From Keyboard), please let us know! If not, we’ll have to kick you.”
Assistant Trainer: “2. Please pay attention! There will be a short quiz after training.”
Assistant Trainer: “3. Be kind and if you have a question, please do not shout it out. We’ll come around asking for any questions in between trainings.”
Assistant Trainer: "Those are our rules for training today. Please give us a moment and our trainer will begin training. Best of luck"
General Training
To train this rank, teach them how to oversee the general staff and how to act appropriately. While teaching this rank, inform them of critiquing lower ranks grammar mistakes. Additionally, teach them how to deal with situations properly and how to act professional at the park. Feel free to create your own little situations to demonstrate professionalism and how to properly correct lower ranks.
Troller Test
During this test, feel free to be creative and make costumes. The point of this test is for lower ranks to demonstrate the ability to handle trollers properly with warnings. Before testing, inform lower ranks that they must give three warnings before contacting a higher rank to kick.
e.g. Warning 1: Trolling
e.g. Warning 2: Trolling
e.g. Warning 2: Cap abuseWhen finished testing each lower rank, give critiques and then move onto the guidelines test.
Guidelines Test
This test is to make sure all users have some knowledge about the guidelines. With this test, you have freedom to ask whatever questions you want. Of course, make sure users do not shout out the answers and ask “PTS” (Permission To Speak) so that it’s fair. Do several questions, not just one. We need lower ranks to be knowledgable about the guidelines.
- e.g. “Under general park rules, what is rule #4?”
Users who excel in training and both tests should be deemed as passers. Therefore, teleport them into the passing line and the host or co-host will rank them.
Once you complete your training, please teleport your passers onto the “passing” line in the lobby and kick the users who failed politely.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ RANKING ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
While training slowly concludes, the only users who should be ranking passers are the host and co-host. Make sure to rank each user +1 their current rank. Additionally, once ranked, feel free to dismiss them.