Offline Material Preview/Importer

Ive spent some time making a Material Preview plugin where you can import and preview how different textures at a material will look before you upload it to Roblox.

I was a bit bothered by how Studio just uploads your image texture straight away, making a big messy inventory, making image textures online before I could check it out how it looks, right before the final touches, so to avoid having a big inventory with bunch of unused textures floating around. I made a plugin that lets you view the textures in Studio but the assets are offline and temporary

Link to Beta:

Still in early development, there might be bugs, I will be optimizing the code, im planning to make the ability to move your camera with your mouse, different shapes at the preview, maybe even a Upload button If I figure it out


My only question is how you made this?? Just how!??


I used ViewportFrame for the Material Preview at the Plugin Window and StudioService:PromptImportFile() when importing offline assets


Yes, I know that but how did you manage to apply the texture to a part???


MaterialVariant, I make the plugin generate a MaterialVariant and it puts it in the MaterialService, then I assign the MaterialVariant to the Preview Part, I did test Surface Apperence but its only allowed at Meshes and it cant be applied in scripting

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So you’re telling me that you don’t need to upload something to roblox in order to use it’s ID for this???

That’s something new I learned!

Thanks for helping me know this, I checked your plugins source. (A bit nasty but if it works then I have no problem what so ever.)

Good job.