Offline Material Preview/Importer

Ive spent some time making a Material Preview plugin where you can import and preview how different textures at a material will look before you upload it to Roblox.

I was a bit bothered by how Studio just uploads your image texture straight away, making a big messy inventory, making image textures online before I could check it out how it looks, right before the final touches, so to avoid having a big inventory with bunch of unused textures floating around. I made a plugin that lets you view the textures in Studio but the assets are offline and temporary

Link to Beta:

Still in early development, there might be bugs, I will be optimizing the code, im planning to make the ability to move your camera with your mouse, different shapes at the preview, maybe even a Upload button If I figure it out


My only question is how you made this?? Just how!??

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I used ViewportFrame for the Material Preview at the Plugin Window and StudioService:PromptImportFile() when importing offline assets

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Yes, I know that but how did you manage to apply the texture to a part???

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MaterialVariant, I make the plugin generate a MaterialVariant and it puts it in the MaterialService, then I assign the MaterialVariant to the Preview Part, I did test Surface Apperence but its only allowed at Meshes and it cant be applied in scripting

So you’re telling me that you don’t need to upload something to roblox in order to use it’s ID for this???

That’s something new I learned!

Thanks for helping me know this, I checked your plugins source. (A bit nasty but if it works then I have no problem what so ever.)

Good job.