This guide is outdated and no longer in use!!
Platinum is a special level in the OGC monthly competitions that are separate from the regular competition. This small group of five gymnasts represents the very best a Robloxian gymnastics team has to offer. These five gymnasts are chosen by the owner of the group is whichever means they feel fit, and also selecting alternatives in case one of the five gymnasts cannot attend. It is the responsibility of the group owner to communicate with their chosen gymnasts and ensure they would like to/able to participate.
The requirements for Platinum are more difficult than in the regular OGC competition, and require extensive experience, knowledge, and practice.
Participating Teams
This is a list of teams invited to participate. The owners of these teams will be contacted.
- Abstract Gymnastics & Dance Academy
- Tumble Bees Gymnastics
- Ice Gymnastics
- Focus Dance and Gymnastics
- Apple Gymnastics
- Gravity Gymnastics
- Pink’s Gymnastics
- Legacy Gymnastics
- Paradise Gymnastics
- Toilet Gymnastics
- Équilibre Gymnastics
- Sparkling Gymnastics
- Diversity Dance & Gymnastics Academy
Participation Requirements
Requirements for gymnasts to participate in Platinum:
- The account must be 4 months minimum in age.
- The gymnasts will have to compete in all five events.
- The gymnast must be in the OGC and team group
- The gymnast cannot participate in both the regular competition and Platinum.
Platinum Routine Requirements
Beam Routine Requirements
• Backwards Mount (Backwards Flip onto the Beam)
• Eight Combos (Five sets of Multiple Flips in a Row)
• Four Leaps (Middle Split Leap or Front Split Leap)
• Three Turns/Spins (Horizontal Leg or Split Leg)
• Four Changes of Direction (Turning Around)
• Back Dismount (Backwards Flip off the Beam)
Bar Routine Requirements
• Giants on both bars (Smooth Rotations around the Bar)
• Four Transitions (Flipping from one Bar to another bar, three times)
• Twist Dismount (A Twisting Flip off the Bar)
• Two uses of animation tools (Using tools such as leaps or turns)
Vault Routine Requirements
• Three Flips on Tumbling Line (Three Forward Flips on Run-Up)
• One Flip off the Springboard
• One Flip off of the Vault
Floor Routine Requirements
• Five Tumbling Passes (Five sets of Multiple Flips in One Direction)
• Three Leaps (Middle Split Leap or Front Split Leap)
• Three Turns/Spins (Horizontal Leg or Split Leg)
• Two Dance Segments (/e dance)
• Four Changes in Direction (Turning Around)
• One combinations of an Animation tool and Flip (ex. Turn + KTM at Same Time)
• Moves must fit well with chosen floor music, show creativity
Pommel Horse Routine Requirements
• Five sets of swings
• Five scissors, scissor hops or scissor turns
• Five leg swing circles or 180 degree circles
• Two travelling circles
• Half rotation dismount