Ohoo: tool giver UI (open-source)

E2 has much more

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ok ping me if you have it ready

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ohoo E2-beta.1


  • moved “Tools” folder to ReplicatedStorage.
  • added robux edition
  • changed some functions in the UI
  • fixed no Tools folder included
  • now you can customize the ohoo interface
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suggestions? questions? reply to this post!

Then why act like some professional software distributor?

i’m just a mid-beignner coder, and i’m professional at distributing software.

In total, there are 13 lines of code that I counted by clicking on each line with my mouse.

Source: Pinned topic of #resources:community-resources

I’m sorry if this reply comes off as discouraging, but generally these are the types of scripts that you make for yourself. It’s good that you are progressing in your scripting capabilities, but people are generally going to be very triggered when you advertise something like it’s a huge new framework, when it’s only 13 lines of (relatively) simple code (including me).

I am being civil in this reply, I think.