About the Community Resources category

This category is where you can find resources that are useful for development on Roblox.

Only post significant resources that you created yourself, or resources that you found off-Roblox that are useful to the Roblox developer community. Do not post other users’ Roblox creations and resources in this category. You may only post resources you have not created if they do not come from Roblox.

Both free or open-source, as well as paid and closed-source resources may be posted about in this category. Please make sure your resources are relevant to Roblox development.

How should I write my resource topics?

Your resource must be:

  • Related to Roblox development.
  • Well explained; do not dump content here, you must explain how your resource is meant to be used.
  • Significant overall; your contributions must be more substantial than small scripts or a few individual assets. Resources that are not significant enough, too specific / not useful to many people, or too low quality should be posted in a different forum category.

Things you could post a Community Resources thread about:

  • Significant ModuleScripts, code libraries, or frameworks that you created for public use.
  • Large collections of assets that you created and are releasing or selling.
  • Royalty-free or paid art, audio, or texture resources.
  • Free or paid plugins you wish to showcase.
  • Websites that are useful to Roblox development.

Use the Community Tutorials category if your topic explains how to achieve something, rather than just provides and explains a resource.

Who can post here?

  • All forum users can create topics in this category and reply to topics.
  • Everyone can read all the contents in this category, even when not logged in.

Want to contribute, but not a forum member yet?

See: How to join the Roblox Developer Forum

About the Community Tutorials category
About the Resources category
Community Resources vs Tips & Tricks?
Block Based Coding plugin
Discord to Roblox Messaging!
Whitelist system | Completely customizable
Not allowing closed source modules in community resources
Lua Tips for Beginners?
Encrypt Api (Free)
Add a rule for insufficient security on resources
The Sorters Guide to Sorting
RoEncrypt - RSA Encrypt for Roblox
Server Requests from Client
[PLUGIN] Anchore & UnAnchore ALL Parts in your workspace. Including Models!
Can we post non-Roblox material in Community Resources?
How to register my map for the #RDC2022
Abstract | Free Ranking Bots
AutoScript 2✂️ (v2.4 PLUGIN⛏️) Create shortcuts for your scripts
AIB🤖 VERSION ✌️ (v2.4.1 PLUGIN⛏️) AI Chat Bot [⏬140+]
FSA - Fairbow Smart Assistant⛏️ chatbot | V1.4 [PLUGIN⚡]
GameSync - Management Solution
Anti Autoclicker
UI Tools: The All-In-One Interface Design Solution
Tutorial: Making a black hole with real time lensing
Ohoo: tool giver UI (open-source)
Ez Builds Studios Store ( PAID )
[Plugin] Model Stretch / Widen V2
N-RTD | Retrieve data from Discord (Service ended)
Simple Vegetation Pack
Selling Camera Watch system (1.25K)
Introducing RoWifi | 2nd Gen Roblox-Discord Verification Bot
Selling Egg Hatch UI Design [Fully Animated]
Selling Egg Hatch UI Design [Fully Animated]
Selling Egg Hatch UI Design [Fully Animated]
Admin Panel Test
Selling Egg Hatch UI Design [Fully Animated]
Whitelist system | Completely customizable
GFX/Graphic Artist Portfolio
Tutorial: Coding a Speedrun Timer
BEST Anime/Blocky Trees on Roblox!
BlockLua - Makes Scripting easier. Full review and reasons why you should try
Lighting Presets: Save and swap your lighting presets easily!
SwiftBar Plugin
For those that how to make a Door Tween like a Garage
UITransitions Library
GameSync - Management Solution
Roblox-og-textures - Let's take it back to a better time
Top Cashgrab Equipment For Top Cashgrab Games
No good category for posting paid resources
Brand New Devforum PAYS MONEY!
Luaflow | Create entire web apps using Lua (ALPHA)
Open-Sourced UI Fading Module
Lamp Model: "Will come handy at night"
Gradient Tools - Add clean gradients to parts & UI
Origin Ranking Service [PERMANENTLY CLOSED]
MovementHandler (Crouch, Sprint, Slide, Prone)
Is this code for a camera module good?
Mistakes in Official Posts
SBS - Simple Ban System
Access Control to Restricted Areas - V2
<you tried> Anti Cheat System
(200k+!) UZGen: Not Taken Roblox Username Generator [HUGE UPDATE!]