Ok i was dumb back then chill

Wow if its a GOOD game, why care about the code inside it. If it is performing well, then the code must be right. Also Ripull, the creator of ripull minigames has also made scripting tutorial videos, and they are basically the same as AlvinBlox.


The issue with YouTube videos is you can just skip ahead in the video and copy the code line for line. And example of this causing issues was when Alvinblox made his Piggy video series. The series did provide the needed information but multiple times it seemed people came to the developer forum trying to get help with code that they were knee deep in uncertain of how anything worked. The issue here is some people get a false positive that they are learning the language but if you asked them to go over the code and explain it they tend to struggle.

Iā€™m not saying YouTube provideā€™s low quality tutorials it just doesnā€™t provide good tutorials for anything beyond basic Lua syntax.


Well I agree that the videos they make on like ā€œHow to make a piggy gameā€ are not good. But their scripting tutorials are good. I also donā€™t skip the video, so I can hear their explanation.

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Imo if you try to code an entire game using the approach they use in youtube videos it will be very messy and not maintainable. The reason why this happens is because they are concern with delivering a product that is easy to understand so it can get more views.


Well developers who say youtube videos are bad have stopped arguing after I said that Ripull has also made scripting tutorials.


My answer to the question: Yes and no, you can still learn some things from Peaspod and AlvinBlox, but they can be either outdated or too long to learn.

But as what @sjr04 has posted, the Lua website is actually a way to go for learning scripting + programming for future games or some new things that have never been made with some code!

Youtube videos have a fair share of learning things, but they take too long to learn the whole thing like 20-25 minutes, while on the Lua website, you read and understand better and have it memorized. I did watch Peaspods tutorials and they were good until I figured out some of the things are outdated like Data Persistence. :eyes:

In the end, I would learn from the original source of Lua, its nice to learn about it from there instead of skipping through finding the source of code and copying it down, without learning what it means.

I take notes on my codebook, with what each variable means, an example of code, and doing it on your own! :tongue:


Also, here is a cat picture to boost your day!


I find experience is the best teacher for learning computer programming.

And although Iā€™ve never watched youtube for scripting, Iā€™ve checked out videos to learn sound/ synthesis design. Good videos will go in depth the process behind what they do and what that achieves.

So Iā€™d say youtube is good for teaching theories, concepts, and the process of approaching coding or a coding problem, but not for learning how to program.


I really donā€™t want to learn from lua.org, I tried it and found it pretty boring to learn.

Excludng youtube videos, do you think its a good way to learn from the roblox wiki or dev hub?

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If you want an example of a game that is nicely coded and organized use this Battle Royale | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub, it was made by persons that work at roblox. Also, I would recommend you use the newly release roblox creator challenges because they are better than most youtube videos


I also suggest having the Roblox Developer API page for whatever is being discussed in the videos since some information may be removed from YouTube videos that may spark curiosity.

Not that the YouTubers are doing a bad job just that a dialogue needs to be smooth and not branch off like a tree since it would cause confusion.


Yes, learning from sources like the Roblox Wiki and Developer Hub are excellent choices if you donā€™t want to watch and learn countless minutes on some facts that will take too long or make it boring.

Learning something from official ROBLOX staff or programmers is a good start and a good path. :+1:


Documentation is pretty good for reference, but I wouldnā€™t recommend learning directly from lua.org.
Get youā€™re feet in the water with some of robloxā€™s scripting tutorials, and refer to lua.org for specific syntax and behavioral references when you come across them.


Itā€™s not horrible, but always make sure that what youā€™re learning isnā€™t deprecated. I know for a fact that peaspodā€™s key pressing tutorial is obsolete considering the existence of UserInputService and ContextActionService, and iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s a few more. His tutorials are really good if you have absolutely no knowledge of scripting, but once you get to the advanced portion, many of the topics are very outdated.


I started trying to learn lua that way and once I switched over to using the devhub and other lua websites it made it much easier, but then again some persons learn differently so try different approaches and see which one works for you.

And another great tip is to use uncopylocked places by other developers such as ego moose.

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In other words, Itā€™s helpful to watch the beginners tutorials, but from any point afterwards you should probably just start looking things up on either google or the devforum. Personally, when I first started learning, I fell into a rabbit-hole of trying to find out how to do one specific thing in a game I was trying to make, and I ended up learning most of the player and character events because of that. Learning any coding language is a process that happens naturally over time as long as you have a foundation for that knowledge to be built upon.


I admit, having to read a bunch of plain text and code in Lua.org isnā€™t the most fun thing to do. That site isnā€™t as appealing, engaging, or eye-catching as the Dev Wiki or the YouTube videos.

I think what you want is a way you can interact with the code and change it to see what it does. The Dev Wiki and YouTube videos are great for this, since they offer several different examples and sample projects for you to look at and mess around with. However, Lua.org also has some topics that arenā€™t typically covered on the Wiki and on YouTube.

I suggest you could try using all three resources: reading the Lua.org documentations, and, when you get bored of that, try finding something interesting to do with Lua by searching on the Wiki or on YouTube for those example projects and code samples.

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Should I also watch the advanced tutorials or only the beginning tutorials then look up things on google or the devforum?

If you want a clear and definitive answer:

  • In regards to watching YouTube videos which may be old: most videos will still be relevant seeming as Roblox lua rarely deviates in format and most methods still exist - however some methods may be obsolete and have new services / methods to replace them, in some circumstances however the methods may be no longer supported.
  • Is it worth watching his videos? Probably not, whereas videos can give you a start they donā€™t really help you learn the language. As mentioned as well, they teach you the coding practices of that specific developer. Good or bad is negligible as inevitably no practice can really be ā€œgoodā€, they can be bad however seeming as some may be inefficient (they canā€™t be good as one method of doing something could easily be trumped by another more abstract method, this could then go on for a long time).
  • What should I do? Use various sources is probably the best answer, providing you watch them and try to understand how it works and play about its all fine. Using books, websites, the forum itself etc and just general experimentation is what turns you from a new scripter to a competent one. I can personally plead that I have never watched one of those tutorial videos to learn, I have learnt from reading the documentation and general experimentation - when I struggle, I persevere. A year ago I wasnā€™t the best scripter, now I can practically script anything I could ever want (its just the willpower sometimes) - this was just through experimentation and trying new things.

No one can give you an answer to whether or not specific videos or people will be helpful because different people find learning easier from different things. The process to becoming a high level scripter is long and gained through dedication.


you can watch the advanced tutorials if you want to, but make sure tread carefully, because many of the advanced tutorials showcase deprecated mechanics. Make sure to check the comments section, they generally tell you whether something is deprecated or not.

Alright! So I guess peaspod is outdated now.

And what specific websites did you use to learn scripting?

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