Old devforum links don't work anymore

Certain old devforum links don’t work and just redirect to create.roblox.com
I believe this was before “ids” were added after the thread name prefix threadname/id
Here is an example link.
I managed to find the actual thread through a search but old links should still redirect to the actual thread if possible.
Custom Font Service

oh and note how creations feedback was once called “look at this cool creation”


I would imagine that this would be pretty difficult to fix for the stated reason:

Since I don’t believe there would be an easy “look up” system to attach the old links to the new threads (unless there’s some sort of internal metadata attached to them)

I still refer to it as that sometimes


The ship has long sailed on this one unfortunately. I don’t think we can afford to invest effort into this, the impact would be too low and the mapping would not be complete or very difficult to complete. The IDs of threads have changed since we moved from Kunena forum to Discourse in 2015.

If any official posts have outdated links you want corrected, let us know.


That’s unfortunate, who knows how many articles/youtube videos/posts have the old broken links.


It’s been ~9 years and this is the first request to restore a link, so I think we’re good! :sweat_smile: