Old Gas Station

Made a gas station for a builder submission in 2 hours, what do you think?


I think this is great Maybe add some Props in the back round like some tumbleweeds or dead trees but overall i think its great keep it up


I can see where you’re going with this, but the gas pumps don’t really fit in with the rest of the scene. If you are trying to make it look older, I’d recommend changing the texture of the gas pumps.
Overall good job, keep it up.


looks like a house ig?

try making it even more “industrialized”

It’s supposed to be an old gas station from the 80s/90s located in the middle of nowhere.

I love it! You should also add some more variety in the terrain - overall, it looks incredibly well.

I wouldn’t buy this!

It needs more background and detail. It needs textures possibly and it’s just too rushed in my opinion.

It was made as an example for what I can do in a short amount of time.

I’d prefer longer time for better quality. If you try to do stuff quicker then you won’t get as much offers.

Yeah, I’ll take that into consideration, imma follow up this thread with an updated image of the build. :slight_smile:

Thats Nice! I love it, you did a great job