(Old) How Can You make a realistic 2006 game?

Oh, I mean specifically when the Humanoid is jumping. You’ll have to turn it back on after it lands.

fix this:
robloxapp-20210502-1828543.wmv (4.1 MB)

i have to use my friends simulator to find out, i havent made a 2006 sim in like a while, and im not on my pc until may 26th

using free models isnt the best solution, you will get less visits on your place, and people making fun of your game for it

you should instead re-create the 2006 ui, just like how i did it to my roblox game

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When I Have time ill figure out and try make scripts to make the GUI Work

I first came to Roblox around 2015 so I don’t know much about what to do. I would say to dig up videos of old Roblox but I imagine you have done just that. I love what you’ve done though maybe make recreations of games that used to be very popular back then or themes of games of that sort. Apart from that great job!

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Thank You! I’m still trying to make a script in the GUI’s so they work like in old roblox!

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ok i know this is weird but could you teach me how to add the explosion. also i am using script’s to try and make them work. but again the game is still in development.

it’s not hard to do, heres some code i made for my old roblox game a while ago (which i might use after my friend sends me his 2006)

function Added(item)
	if item:IsA("Explosion") then
		if item.Visible == false then return end
		item.Visible = false
		local EffectPart = Instance.new("Part",script)
		EffectPart.Size = Vector3.new(0.125,0.125,0.125)
		EffectPart.CanCollide = false
		EffectPart.Anchored = true
		EffectPart.Archivable = false
		EffectPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(item.Position.X,item.Position.Y,item.Position.Z)
		EffectPart.Name = "Effect"
		EffectPart.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really red")
		EffectPart.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Unjoinable
		EffectPart.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Unjoinable
		EffectPart.LeftSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Unjoinable
		EffectPart.RightSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Unjoinable
		EffectPart.FrontSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Unjoinable
		EffectPart.BackSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Unjoinable
		local Effect = script.Effect:Clone()
		Effect.Parent = EffectPart
		Effect.Scale = Vector3.new(item.BlastRadius * 16,item.BlastRadius * 16,item.BlastRadius * 16)

after that, you should change some stuff in the properties. im kinda lazy to explain them but hereimage
if you have changed the properties to any of these, it should look exactly the same.

before i enter the script? what type of script? and were does it go.

image this?

yes, now add something like a rocket launcher and test the explosion


Can you please stop answering UNREALATED TOPIC QUESTIONS? I just said that we only need related topics NOT PEOPLE ASKING TO WRITE ENTIRE SCRIPTS. This is my game for support and ideas. You should stop telling me what to do. This Topic is only talking about helping me and some ideas.

right i did but like its disappearing? its the wrong place script? idk man… if you could just tell me that, that could help me so i don’t need to keep messaging. (sorry if i keep messaging you)

you should see a red sphere, and it disappears after like 30 milliseconds i think, thats how old roblox explosions worked

if the explosion is invisible, try changing the local script to a script

Not sure about the specific things left that you need help with, but many 2006 remakes that I have seen don’t have these things:
Old Roblox footstep and jump sound.
Old Roblox face.
Old tools (some of these games have tools that weren’t even around in 2006)
Old leaderboard (With Builders Club icon instead of Premium and etc.)
Old textures.
Old avatars, or at least not Rthro/UGC supported. (Rthro and UGC aren’t classic Roblox)
Old avatar animations, not just the default 2021 R6 animations.
Old music. (This isn’t a need, but I find old games with original Roblox music more immersive.)
I might think of more in the future.

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thats because

all of them are innacurate lol. they ALL use the “Make it 2006” script. if you want to see the most accurate 2006 simulator, you should try out Flexiblebanjo’s Wayback Machine (FWM)

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