Here are some questions I’m frequently asked about HD Admin and answers to these questions to hopefully solve many of your queries:
1) How do I add HD Admin to my game?
Step 1) Click the Develop icon located at the top of the page
Step 2) Click on the place you wish to add HD Admin and click ‘Edit’. This will open up Roblox Studio
Step 3) In Studio, click ‘View’ (located at the top of the page), and make sure ‘Workspace’ and ‘Toolbox’ are selected, like so:
Step 4) Make sure ‘Models’ is displayed in the Toolbox, and scroll down a few rows until you see HD Admin
Step 5) Click the HD Admin Icon. HD Admin Commands has now been added to your game! You can view the model in ‘Workspace’. You don’t need to add yourself in Settings, as you are automatically made an ‘Owner’ admin.
Step 6) Save/publish your game, shutdown all servers, and you will have admin commands
2) How can I make other people admins?
Step 1) Double click ‘Settings’ located under About, in HD Admin Commands, in Workspace
Step 2) To add someone, simply type their name or UserId in the desired permission type column (e.g. Mod, Admin etc). Names must be in quotation marks (" "), whereas UserIds do not. You must seperate each person using a comma
Step3) You can check you added people in successfully by typing ;admins in-game, and seeing if they appear under ‘Global admins’