Old New Years items not taken offsale

The following issue is concurrent with the following items: 2014 New Years Top Hat, New Years Fireworks, 2018 New Years Shades and 2019 New Years Hat.

The issue here is, these items are all obviously dated, being from 2014 and 2019, with previous New Years items such as the 2013 New Years Top Hat going offsale shortly after the next year. I don’t believe it makes sense for these items to stay onsale any longer.

Expected behavior

These items that are dated to previous New Years events should go offsale like others have, such as the 2013 New Years Top Hat and even as new as the New Year Tiger in 2022. I believe these items not going offsale is a bug.


There is also some gears, a pin and another set of 2019 shades and tophat.

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Does anyone have the link tl the 2025 item?

If you could link those that’d be great

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Dont get the point of this one, these are cool items and honestly i would rather they remain on the catalog as a cool time capsule or at least go limited, they just become offsale now shame


Maybe this item too:

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I missed it because it wasn’t on the marketplace :sob:

while im here the fireworks break with animation packs so maybe fixing the gears could eventually be a thing

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why are you guys so allergic to fun :sob:

there is no good reason for these to be removed from the marketplace considering their age


For heavens sakes this isn’t a bug, it’s intentional


In my personal opinion I think older items like this that are clearly dated to a certain event should go offsale, people who bought them in 2014 likely expected similar behavior since previous years did the same


The main reason is I collect off sale items and i personally hope these are all made off sale since I own most of them.

Just to benefit you makes no sense, these items have no reason to go offsale, this is intentional, if roblox wanted to do it they would have, there are many things we cant ask this doesnt match it, no good reason for removal


I’m not actually sure if this intentional since every year besides 2014 and 2019 went off sale. Some of 2018 went off sale but not all.

People are still buying and enjoying these items, even if the new years have come and gone. There’s a charm to wearing these souvenirs of the past, and that shouldn’t be taken away because people need something to brag about.


Of course, it’s up to interpretation from previous items that this behavior would follow suit, if Roblox only wants to change items that explicitly state they will go offsale then I understand and I can see why people would want these items to stay onsale, I can also see older players owning these items though and wondering why they haven’t gone offsale since they are older event items

Could also interpret that because other New Year’s items went Limited that these ones should too, but that’s not what happened. We don’t need a reason for why these items are still available, and we don’t need this to be “corrected” for items which have been available and enjoyed for years now. It is what it is, and acting like it’s anything more is trying to invent a problem to solve.

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I digress, if Roblox doesn’t see it as an issue I can close this thread

Ideally an admin will at least give a statement. I wouldn’t have bought a lot of these if I knew Roblox wasn’t taking them off sale like the other years.