[OLD] Spirit Airlines || Training Guide

Spirit Airlines
:airplane: “Fly above the skies.” :airplane:
Welcome to the Spirit Airlines training guide! The purpose of this is to assist the people who host training!
The role of the “Trainer” is to help after the helpers have gone over the information needed and go through the questions!

The role of “HELPER” is to help after the helpers have gone over the information once the host dismisses everyone

The role of “CO-HOST” is to help the host when the host goes over the lines, some will be split up with the Co-Host!

The role of “HOST” is to go over the lines in the beginning and to supervise the training!
-Be sure to make announce the training in the discord 15 minutes before by using:


-Announce the training in the group shout by running the following in the discord:

Greetings! A training will begin in 30 minutes. Bring a pen and paper, and get ready to train. Please make sure to join ~15 minutes before and the server will lock at XX:OO!

-Open PTS to view commands and run them (in game commands)

:pts open
:pts enable

Host: :sm Greetings! Welcome to this training, my name is (HOST USER) and our Co-Host for this session is (CO-HOST USER)!

Host: :sm As we begin this session PTS is enabled and denied currently, talking right now will result in a kick!

Host: :sm We will now go over some simple terms!

Host: :sm PTS - Permission to Speak

Host: :sm STS - Shoulder to Shoulder

Host: :sm SFL - Single File Line

Host: :sm Now we will go over some rules!

Host: :sm Rule I: Each ROBLOX player who enters our facilities should have a pleasant and enjoyable time. Any unprofessional behaviors and/or rudeness that occurs in our community will result in disciplinary actions.

Host: :sm Rule II: Grammar must be maintained at all times during this training session. Failure to do so will result in a strike.

Host: :sm Rule II: Please remember to show respect to your trainers as they are taking the time out of their day to help you.

Host: :sm Rule III: Once you have reached 3 grammatical strikes, you will automatically fail the training.

Host: :sm Rule IV: If you have any excess questions, please use the resource “PTS” & a staff member will be more than glad to assist you.

Host: :sm Rule V: Please do not fuss with your Trainer, if you feel as if they are wrong about something, please inform a higher rank.

Host: :sm Our Co-Host will now finish up the rules & training expectations!

Co-host: :sm Rule VI: Please comply with all directions at ALL times!

Co-host: :sm Rule VI: If you fail the training please do not fuss with your trainer and comply with the directions! Feel free to apply again for training!

Co-host: :sm Rule VI: Please be prepared to stay here up to 1 hour so we can fully train and prepare you, it may end earlier! Leaving early will result in a fail.

Co-host: :sm If you get disconnected, do not fret you have been put on a whitelist so join up and explain to a high-rank what happened!

Co-host: :sm You CAN NOT chat without running “:pts request” if you say anything else you WILL be automatically kicked!

Co-host: :sm We will now be talking about the training information and other useful stuff. Please take notes to help ensure success in this session!

(Co-host) :sm To help with passing be sure to use full grammar!

(Co-host) :sm Be sure not to troll this session or you will be dismissed!

(Co-host) :sm In this training, you must go to the area where you choose to train!

(Co-host) :sm If you are ranked “Awaiting-Training” please wait to be teleported to your designated areas!

(Co-host) :sm In this training, if you happen to fail to use grammar or answer a question, don’t fret you get 3 strikes before you get kicked!

(Co-host) :sm Once passed, you MUST wait until a high rank says you can leave to ensure you get ranked!

(CO-HOST) :sm That is all. Please wait for you to be teleported to your trainer!


:jump %(rank training) |:massbring %(rank training) 1|:speed %(rank training) 0

:arrow_right: -=HEAD TRAINER SECTION=- :arrow_left:


Trainer: Greetings all! My name is (User)! Before we began PTS is enabled at this time so please ask questions by using :PTS request!
Trainer: Alright, let’s begin!
Trainer: The role of the Barista is to help with the food and drinks at the cafe, your job will be at the back with the machines!
Trainer: You are to take the orders of the cashiers and come out with the food!
Trainer: We will now go over some rules you need to follow
Trainer: Rule I. You are not to be doing any other jobs in the cafe unless there is no other staff!
Trainer: Rule II. You are not allowed to hand out drinks to random people to abuse the system!
Trainer: Rule III. You are not allowed to hand wrong drinks.

Assistant: Welcome to the question portion of the training!
Assistant: Question I. Who do you take orders from?
Assistant: Question II. Where is the cooking area of the Cafe?
Assistant: Question III. Are you allowed to give people random items?
Assistant: Question IV. Are you allowed to give people random items?
Assistant: Question V. Is grammar required while working at the cafe?


Trainer: Greetings all! My name is (User)! Before we began PTS is enabled at this time so please ask questions by using :PTS request!
Trainer: Alright, let’s begin!
Trainer: The role of the Shop Cashier is to help with the shops and being cashier at the cafe!
Trainer: You are to take the orders of guests and come out with food!
Trainer: We will now go over some rules you need to follow
Trainer: Rule I. You are not allowed to be purposely taking the wrong orders.
Trainer: Rule II. You are not allowed to be trolling and not being professional.
Trainer: Rule III. You are not allowed to take the wrong order from customers purposely.
Trainer: Rule IV. You MUST use a greeting when meeting a customer.
Trainer: Rule V. You MUST give a food/drink order to a barista.

Assistant: Welcome to the question portion of the training!
Assistant: Question I. Is a greeting required?
Assistant: Question II. Who do you give food/drink orders to?
Assistant: Question III. Are you allowed to take wrong orders?
Assistant: Question IV. Are you allowed to display un-professionalism?
Assistant: Question V. Is grammar required while working as a cashier?


Trainer: Greetings all! My name is (User)! Before we began PTS is enabled at this time so, please ask questions by using :PTS request!
Trainer: Alright, let’s begin!
Trainer: The role of the Ground Transportation is to help passengers get to and from the airport, and to help with plane service vehicles!
Trainer: You are to drive people and not troll!
Trainer: We will now go over some rules you need to follow
Trainer: Rule I. You are not to troll and crash the bus.
Trainer: Rule II. You are required to take people to and from the airport!
Trainer: Rule III. You are not permitted to do any jobs while working at the airport.
Assistant: Welcome to the question portion of the training!
Assistant: Question I. What does the job of ground transportation do??
Assistant: Question II. Where do you take passengers?
Assistant: Question III. Are you permitted to troll with the vehicles?
Assistant: Question IV. Where should you drop off the passengers?
Assistant: Question V. Is grammar required while working with the vehicles?


Trainer: Greetings all! My name is (User)! Before we began PTS is enabled at this time so please ask questions by using :PTS request!
Trainer: Alright, let’s begin!
Trainer: The role of the Airport Security is to help with safety at the airport, your job will be at the security detectors!
Trainer: You are to patrol the airport and use the tools professionally!
Trainer: We will now go over some rules you need to follow
Trainer: Rule I. You are not allowed to abuse cuffs!
Trainer: Rule II. You MUST take orders from high ranks and follow direction!
Trainer: Rule III. You are to help people get around the airport safely and help exercise safety.

Assistant: Welcome to the question portion of the training!
Assistant: Question I. What does security do?
Assistant: Question II. Are you required to take orders from high ranks?
Assistant: Question III. Are you allowed to abuse the privileges of security?
Assistant: Question IV. Are you allowed to arrest random people??
Assistant: Question V. Is grammar required while working as security?


Trainer: Greetings all! My name is (User)! Before we began PTS is enabled at this time so please ask questions by using :PTS request!
Trainer: Alright, let’s begin!
Trainer: The role of the Barista is to help with the food and drinks at the cafe, your job will be at the back with the machines!
Trainer: You are to take the orders of the cashiers and come out with the food!
Trainer: We will now go over some rules you need to follow
Trainer: Rule I. You are not to be doing any other jobs in the cafe unless there is no other staff!
Trainer: Rule II. You are not allowed to hand out drinks to random people to abuse the system!
Trainer: Rule III. You are not allowed to hand wrong drinks.

Assistant: Welcome to the question portion of the training!
Assistant: Question I. Who do you take orders from?
Assistant: Question II. Where is the cooking area of the Cafe?
Assistant: Question III. Are you allowed to give people random items?
Assistant: Question IV. Are you allowed to give people random items?
Assistant: Question V. Is grammar required while working at the cafe?


Trainer: Greetings all! My name is (User)! Before we began PTS is enabled at this time so please ask questions by using :PTS request!
Trainer: Alright, let’s begin!
Trainer: The role of the Barista is to help with the food and drinks at the cafe, your job will be at the back with the machines!
Trainer: You are to take the orders of the cashiers and come out with the food!
Trainer: We will now go over some rules you need to follow
Trainer: Rule I. You are not to be doing any other jobs in the cafe unless there is no other staff!
Trainer: Rule II. You are not allowed to hand out drinks to random people to abuse the system!
Trainer: Rule III. You are not allowed to hand wrong drinks.

Assistant: Welcome to the question portion of the training!
Assistant: Question I. Who do you take orders from?
Assistant: Question II. Where is the cooking area of the Cafe?
Assistant: Question III. Are you allowed to give people random items?
Assistant: Question IV. Are you allowed to give people random items?
Assistant: Question V. Is grammar required while working at the cafe?


Trainer: Greetings all! My name is (User)! Before we began PTS is enabled at this time so please ask questions by using :PTS request!
Trainer: Alright, let’s begin!
Trainer: The role of the Barista is to help with the food and drinks at the cafe, your job will be at the back with the machines!
Trainer: You are to take the orders of the cashiers and come out with the food!
Trainer: We will now go over some rules you need to follow
Trainer: Rule I. You are not to be doing any other jobs in the cafe unless there is no other staff!
Trainer: Rule II. You are not allowed to hand out drinks to random people to abuse the system!
Trainer: Rule III. You are not allowed to hand wrong drinks.

Assistant: Welcome to the question portion of the training!
Assistant: Question I. Who do you take orders from?
Assistant: Question II. Where is the cooking area of the Cafe?
Assistant: Question III. Are you allowed to give people random items?
Assistant: Question IV. Are you allowed to give people random items?
Assistant: Question V. Is grammar required while working at the cafe?

Assistant: Question I.


Trainer: Greetings all! My name is (User)! Before we began PTS is enabled at this time so please ask questions by using :PTS request!
Trainer: Alright, let’s begin!
Trainer: The role of the Barista is to help with the food and drinks at the cafe, your job will be at the back with the machines!
Trainer: You are to take the orders of the cashiers and come out with the food!
Trainer: We will now go over some rules you need to follow
Trainer: Rule I. You are not to be doing any other jobs in the cafe unless there is no other staff!
Trainer: Rule II. You are not allowed to hand out drinks to random people to abuse the system!
Trainer: Rule III. You are not allowed to hand wrong drinks.

Assistant: Welcome to the question portion of the training!
Assistant: Question I. Who do you take orders from?
Assistant: Question II. Where is the cooking area of the Cafe?
Assistant: Question III. Are you allowed to give people random items?
Assistant: Question IV. Are you allowed to give people random items?
Assistant: Question V. Is grammar required while working at the cafe?


Trainer: Greetings all! My name is (User)! Before we began PTS is enabled at this time so please ask questions by using :PTS request!
Trainer: Alright, let’s begin!
Trainer: The role of the Barista is to help with the food and drinks at the cafe, your job will be at the back with the machines!
Trainer: You are to take the orders of the cashiers and come out with the food!
Trainer: We will now go over some rules you need to follow
Trainer: Rule I. You are not to be doing any other jobs in the cafe unless there is no other staff!
Trainer: Rule II. You are not allowed to hand out drinks to random people to abuse the system!
Trainer: Rule III. You are not allowed to hand wrong drinks.

Assistant: Welcome to the question portion of the training!
Assistant: Question I. Who do you take orders from?
Assistant: Question II. Where is the cooking area of the Cafe?
Assistant: Question III. Are you allowed to give people random items?
Assistant: Question IV. Are you allowed to give people random items?
Assistant: Question V. Is grammar required while working at the cafe?


Trainer: Greetings all! My name is (User)! Before we began PTS is enabled at this time so please ask questions by using :PTS request!
Trainer: Alright, let’s begin!
Trainer: The role of the Manager is to help Manage the Airport.
Trainer: You are to oversee the airport operation and make sure everything is running smoothly.
Trainer: We will now go over some rules you need to follow
Trainer: Rule I. You are not to abuse your admin/power!
Trainer: Rule II. You are not allowed to tell lower ranks to do other jobs!
Trainer: Rule III. You are not allowed to be disrespectful to customers and not greet them.

Assistant: Welcome to the question portion of the training!
Assistant: Question I. Are you allowed to abuse admin?
Assistant: Question II. What is the job of manager do?
Assistant: Question III. What would you do if you saw someone doing the wrong job?
Assistant: Question IV. Why can you not abuse admin?
Assistant: Question V. Is grammar required while working as a manager?


Trainer: Greetings all! My name is (User)! Before we began PTS is enabled at this time so please ask questions by using :PTS request!
Trainer: Alright, let’s begin!
Trainer: The role of the Supervisor is to help Supervise the Airport.
Trainer: You are to oversee the airport operation and make sure everything is running smoothly.
Trainer: We will now go over some rules you need to follow
Trainer: Rule I. You are not to abuse your admin/power!
Trainer: Rule II. You are not allowed to tell lower ranks to do other jobs!
Trainer: Rule III. You are not allowed to be disrespectful to customers and not greet them.

Assistant: Welcome to the question portion of the training!
Assistant: Question I. Are you allowed to abuse admin?
Assistant: Question II. What does the job of supervisor do?
Assistant: Question III. What would you do if you saw someone doing the wrong job?
Assistant: Question IV. Why can you not abuse admin?
Assistant: Question V. Is grammar required while working as a supervisor?


:arrow_right: -=PASSERS & FAILS =- :arrow_left:


Pass if the person got at least 3/5 correct.

Trainer: Congratulations, you have all passed! Please allow a moment for the ranker to come over and dismiss you!
*Call over ranker/host.

▬▬▬▬▬▬ Pass if the person got at least 3/5 correct. Fail if the person got below that.


:kick (user) I apologize to inform you that you have failed. Feel free to try again another time as you are welcome to! We hope to see you again and good luck for next time! c: