Hello. I am looking towards making it so if someone’s HP is 50 and below, you would get a critical message and make it stun your character.
Also, by removing the HumanoidRootPart from the player temporarily, that make them stuns in some sort.
if workspace[plr.Name].Humanoid.Health <= 50 then
workspace[plr.Name].HumanoidRootPart.Name = plr.Name.."-CriticalHumanoidRootPart"
workspace[plr.Name][plr.Name.."-CriticalHumanoidRootPart"].Parent = game:GetService("ServerStorage").RootParts
plr.PlayerGui.Core.Alert.Visible = true
plr.PlayerGui.Core.Alert.Text = "Critical Health"
plr.PlayerGui.Core.Frozen.Visible = true
plr.PlayerGui.Core.Frozen.Text = "You are currently in critical conditions. You will automatically be revived when your in medium conditions."
while wait(0.2) do
if plr.Humanoid.Health >= 50 then
plr.PlayerGui.Core.Alert.Visible = false
plr.PlayerGui.Core.Frozen.Visible = false
game:GetService("ServerStorage").RootParts[plr.Name.."-CriticalHumanoidRootPart"].Parent = workspace[plr.Name]
workspace[plr.Name][plr.Name.."-CriticalHumanoidRootPart"].Name = "HumanoidRootPart"
Changing core object like the HumanoidRootPart is not recommended, and does not serve any practical purpose.
You also cannot access the Player’s GUI object from a ServerScript.
Set up a Client Script to read the health and edit the gui as you have above.
As for stunning, you can do this a few ways.
Set Humanoid > PlatformStand to make them fall
Setting JumpPower & WalkSpeed to 0
Unbinding the Client movement system and rebinding when not stunned
As another note - this will fail to work when your player respawns as you’re not triggering this code when the Character is Added
Use the following before grabbing the character’s humanoid
local hum = char.Humanoid
if (hum.Health < 50) then
hum.PlatformStand = true
As for the PlatformStand it is a simple Boolean value (true / false), @achdef
One last thing - you cannot connect to a specific Property like this: hum.Health.Changed:Connect ...
However, there is an event for checking this. hum.HealthChanged:Connect ...
API Reference for Humanoid Humanoid (roblox.com)
I managed to clean up the old code sample, and fix the issues(by storing important objects into variables and fixing typos):
--Script inside StarterCharacterScripts
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
--When a script is inside StarterCharacterScripts it gets parented inside the player character(each time they load).
local Character = script.Parent
local Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character)
--store and wait for the humanoid, to avoid errors
local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local Root = Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
--Health.Changed isn't an event, HealthChanged and :GetPropertyChangedSignal("Health") is.
Humanoid.HealthChanged:Connect(function(health) --new health
local Core = Player.PlayerGui.Core
if health <= 50 then
Root.Name = Player.Name.."-CriticalHumanoidRootPart"
Root.Parent = ServerStorage.RootParts
Core.Alert.Visible = true
Core.Alert.Text = "Critical Health"
Core.Frozen.Visible = true
Core.Frozen.Text = "You are currently in critical conditions. You will automatically be revived when your in medium conditions."
--because we are checking every time the health changes, the loop isn't needed
else --if health is above 50
Core.Alert.Visible = false
Core.Frozen.Visible = false
Root.Parent = Character
Root.Name = "HumanoidRootPart"