On Mac, failing to combine two unions destroys one of the unions

I’m on a Macbook Pro running macOS Sierra Version 10.12.1 and every time I try to combine two unions in Studio and it says the union is not currently solvable, one of the unions is permanently destroyed. Undoing does not bring the union back.

I am attempting to union together the gift unions on this modelL https://www.roblox.com/item.aspx?id=586244795

yeah I have this happen every now and then
I always make a point to have a duplicate of unions I’m working with because this has fucked me over a few times


So you’re trying to connect two unions with errors on them? You know that’s impossible in pretty much all the cases?
Every error is forever unsolvable after closing the studio, so it’s good to fix them before doing that.
Some image describing “destroys one of the unions” would be useful too

Too much eggnog my friend. Two perfectly normal unions, and when attempting to combine the two fails (like it very often does) one of the two selected unions is deleted.

This is a bug and not the intended behavior.

asfaik, this is a mac-exclusive bug. This doesn’t happen when combining the same unions on PC

I will check the model out soon. Will then update this post.
Although I didn’t hear anything about Mac exclusive CSG bugs yet, so it sounds bit weird to me.

Indeed everything is fine for me. You could also post an image of which gifts you want to connect, but I doubt it will change anything. Anyways, I hope a fix will come to you soon!