On mobile, the info buttons glitch and can't be properly opened

Sometimes when clicking on the info icon on mobile, it doesn’t properly open resulting in a dark backround without having the tab actually open

Most information is provided in the private message

Expected behavior

I expect the UI to properly open and to not trigger the UI that is underneath something

A private message is associated with this bug report

This happens for a lot of things, including settings, communities, player profiles, and really almost most pages

Can you give me maybe some examples so i can include it

Like how it specifically occours

You just have to really click any buttons like “view full profile,” “settings,” “communities,” etc.

Here’s a video

The user would just have to try reopening said button again, sometimes it works the next time, sometimes it takes a few more tries

That’s strange and i believe this is a very similiar bug but not the exact one. For me it’s pages not opening up correctly when clicking the little (i) icon and resulting in a dark backround with no page

It is very similiar but on this bug, when clicking the little (i) icon it just does a dark backround but not popping up correctly

I’ll probably just make a new report for this one then