OnActivated Event Not Working and Camera Zoom Glitch on Mobile

About 3 of my in game gears broke suddenly I narrowed it down to the OnActivated tool event whenever it is used on a mobile device. And also when I spawn in on mobile on my game there is an odd bug whenever you try to move the camera to the side or see your surroundings it ends up zooming in / out instead. I did see a post on here where there was also a camera zoom bug from 4 days ago, but this one is a little bit different which is why I decided to add it. This happened suddenly and I tested the OnActivated event on a tool in a baseplate on a mobile device and it is not functioning.

Oh and I’ll add a way to “fix” the bug with the camera I found is either to die in the game and hope it doesn’t happen again when you spawn or simply open the ROBLOX menu and close it and it starts working normally.

And as the other post said that was posted 4 days ago, I recently changed the CameraMaxZoomDistance and now this is occurring just a little bit different than described there: Player Camera Zoom Distance Bug - #5 by iTheBetaDev

Link to game: Zombie Outbreak 🧟‍♂️ [UPDATE] - Roblox

Expected behavior

I expect the camera to be able to move around freely on mobile whenever I want to look to my left or right not be stuck zooming in / out.

And I expect OnActivated event on a tool to work on mobile as it has for years.