Once again, Roblox security breach

Old security breach.

This happened once again from Russia. I don’t even know how someone can get into my account and steal more than 8000 robux!?


  1. Never clicked on phising links.
  2. I don’t play paid games online so I did not install a pirated game.
  3. I never shared my authenticator code!

I don’t know how can Roblox allow someone to just login from other side of the world somehow and let that guy take away 8000 robux, that I earned and saved!?

Roblox support says, that only “one” time restoration is done while they do not anywhere state that in their ToS article!

They even deny consumer laws from India saying we can’t help you anymore!? What should I do to get my robux back!? I cannot afford a lawyer or something if someone says that.

If someone has contacts with Roblox, please do help because the security breach has happened twice to me and also the thing is Roblox won’t even tell you that someone has logged in from ___ country through emails!? How ridiculous.

Get better Roblox.


The same thing happened to me. They stole R$35K+ Robux from my account. I even lost full access to my account. Roblox being the worst at moderation, they could not even give me my Robux back. Heck, they would not even give me my account back.

So, I tried and tried but nothing worked out. So I finally messaged their moderation team saying something like "I lost access to my account because the emails and password were reset. Here’s my username: “” And within the same night, a moderator helped me reset my password and gain email back. All of this drama lasted for more than 2 weeks for me.

Do NOT send a ticket to anybody else except in the Moderation category because they will not help you whatsoever. Hopefully this works out for you.

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did you by any chance install any browser extensions or fishy software? they might have stolen your cookies, since if you never got 2FA notification it means someone logged in via cookies (aka token)

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The same thing happened to me on another account
(But different)
I lost 700 R$ from it
I got an extension (RoSearch) thats how it happened it was actually fake but worked

That explained what i did pretty well

If they stole 8k, u can go to transactions, then the creator of the product, if it looks like a main account thats definitely him (block him and report him or smth) if its an alt, check its friends or games it has played (in favs or in badges) If not well he hid it pretty well

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also some extensions ask to get bookmarked and then pressed when on the roblox site this also can get people token logged


The one i used was an extension cookie getter
And the one ur saying is javascript bookmark thing
i have one that just lets me edit the text of websites (client side and temporary)
its only 1 line long lol

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@leoprad2006 do you think this happened to you?

Quote the reply u said for it to be more easy

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Its very bold of one to assume that theres a security breach/roblox got hacked, in 99% of these scenarios its either your fault or your fault but roblox’s too

ur correct, if there was a security breach, hundreds of thousands of accounts would get hacked

@whiplash3r Nah I accidentally installed a Trojan virus.

welp, its your fault but after all roblox’s support should’ve noticed theres a brand new ip never seen using your account messing with it

Check out my newest post. I was banned for no reason.

No, I only had RoPro and BTRoblox which were used by majority of YouTubers.

This is the person that made the 8K Robux gamepass.

Which item was it called?
extra charzzzz

To be honest, I have stopped visiting unknown sites. I don’t think I have visited a ‘bad site’. I don’t know if my cookie was stolen it must have affected my Google account too, cause last time it happened to my brother on mom’s phone her Google account got notifications about activity.

you cant get hacked by just visiting a site. Also make sure to reset password on google account and log out of all devices if you dont recognize the device which activity is reported to you as notification

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That was a long time ago, thank you for your concern!

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There is only so much they can do if your situation is compromised. Roblox cannot keep babysitting your account if you are unable to secure it, currency rollbacks turn into a spaghetti of actions to roll back depending on what happens to the robux after it is moved. It’s not trivial for them to fix it for you.

You have some part of your situation, routine, etc. that you are not thinking about. Re-secure your email addresses and Roblox account by resetting their passwords, invalidating old sessions, and making sure all of them use 2FA, set a SIM pin on your phone, secure your physical devices from others including family, uninstall all browser plugins and review them top to bottom to make sure they’re the correct ones, uninstall sketchy software.